Show us your Christmas Tree

Our tree is up, but only half decorated. I had to get the outside lights up by last Friday, so that was my focus (we just moved onto a street they call "Christmas Street", so lot's of neighborly pressure to get it done. We didn't know, until we were already in escrow...). This is my first tree in something like five years, but my GF really wanted one this year. I went with the pre-lighted variety and it went up a LOT easier. My only child (son) is 24 and has been off exploring Europe for the last four months, so I kind of thought I was done with the big decorating thing.
Same here but I’m not sad faced about it.


The only reason I'm sad is I don't get to be with the grand baby. I don't care about the rest of them. In fact I'm pretty happy not to have to clean up the house and play hotel maid to everyone plus cook a big Christmas dinner. It will in fact be the most relaxing Christmas I've had in 30 years.
:yeahthat: my kids had other plans for Thanksgiving this year, a first in over 35 years, always a big event at our home. So we went down and spent the day and evening at her sister's in the country. 2 couples, another guy 65+, and a fine looking woman 55 and her father. Ate a delicious dinner, then sat around the fire pit, BS'd (I'm pretty good at it, before 'Dog adds a comment), drank beer. Very pleasant.
Wife doesn't let me do much more than assemble the tree (3 pieces), lol. There are about a dozen aircraft-related ornaments (mostly Snoopy on his doghouse or in a biplane). There is a biplane model and some framed aircraft artwork on the bookcase behind the tree.

:yeahthat: my kids had other plans for Thanksgiving this year, a first in over 35 years, always a big event at our home. So we went down and spent the day and evening at her sister's in the country. 2 couples, another guy 65+, and a fine looking woman 55 and her father. Ate a delicious dinner, then sat around the fire pit, BS'd (I'm pretty good at it, before 'Dog adds a comment), drank beer. Very pleasant.


Who me? Comment?
And I suppose you think the song “Happy Holiday” is a liberal song?

Actually it was a shameless plug for Holiday Inn and the Holiday featured in the movie was New Year's Eve, not Christmas.
Actually it was a shameless plug for Holiday Inn and the Holiday featured in the movie was New Year's Eve, not Christmas.

Actually the movie inspired the hotel chain’s name. The movie was in 1942 and the hotel chain named in 1952. But you are correct about New Year’s Eve.
No. But Christmas is Christmas, always has been, and now those who are "offended" want it changed to "Holiday". My choice to disagree.

At one time the Russians outlawed Christianity, so the people had to say, "Happy holidays, comrade" instead of Merry Christmas. Or счастливый праздник, камрад, I think. Been too long.

So when I hear someone say happy holiday, I ask them if they are a communist. It goes over the head of 98% of the people.
You put that picture of your airplane in the background just for us, didn’t you?

Ha. Not really. It’s always out. Photo is of the airplane parked in the grass at 1CO8. Very cool place.

Photo was taken by my co-owners, they’re both pro-level photographers, and was printed and given as a gift when I joined the co-ownership.

The Indian stuff on the wall was bought during our honeymoon in the desert Southwest.

The crap down the hall is me sorting and cleaning out the storage bedroom. Ugh. Plus it made it easier to get to the Christmas stuff. Between that room and the garage I have the 8x20 enclosed cargo trailer loaded about 3-4’ deep of crap that literally all needs to go to the dump.

Today I went flying (yay!) and added the rotten wood shelving unit from the hangar to the pile in the trash trailer.

I “get to” go to the dump for Christmas! Yay me. LOL. Nice getting a crap-ton of my garage floor back.
No. But Christmas is Christmas, always has been, and now those who are "offended" want it changed to "Holiday". My choice to disagree.
I don’t think it is a liberal message to recognize that not everyone in America celebrates the same Holiday(s). Perhaps the Pilgrims were united on that, but the native Americans weren’t, so I am not sure that has ever been the case. I don’t get offended if you wish me a merry a Christmas, but I also don’t get offended if you wish me a happy holiday. Why make a big deal out of either greeting? Neither should be offensive.
I “get to” go to the dump for Christmas! Yay me. LOL. Nice getting a crap-ton of my garage floor back.
There’s a song about that. Okay, not really. It’s a song about a trip to the dump on thanksgiving. Enjoy group w.
I don’t think it is a liberal message to recognize that not everyone in America celebrates the same Holiday(s). Perhaps the Pilgrims were united on that, but the native Americans weren’t, so I am not sure that has ever been the case. I don’t get offended if you wish me a merry a Christmas, but I also don’t get offended if you wish me a happy holiday. Why make a big deal out of either greeting? Neither should be offensive.

It doesn't matter to me which you choose to use. But others are trying to change those of us who use Merry Christmas into using Happy Holidays. Just like the statues. Just like the those who want to change our National anthem. Where does it end?
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Yup you got the taildragger bug! Looks great, how large is it?
1/4 scale (about 9 foot wingspan). It flies nice, but I haven't taken it out since I started flying the real ones, so at least it can look pretty.
1/4 scale (about 9 foot wingspan). It flies nice, but I haven't taken it out since I started flying the real ones, so at least it can look pretty.

Oh so is it a RC model? 9' a good size one.
At one time the Russians outlawed Christianity, so the people had to say, "Happy holidays, comrade" instead of Merry Christmas. Or счастливый праздник, камрад, I think. Been too long.

So when I hear someone say happy holiday, I ask them if they are a communist. It goes over the head of 98% of the people.

Which is short sighted. Christmas the holiday really has very little to do with Christianity.

The Liturgical significance of Christmas is that he needed to be born as Man in order to be sacrificed on Good Friday and then ascend on Easter Sunday. Easter being the most important of the three, since the others were just required to set up for the miracle.

Modern Christmas is a shopping season. To call it a Holiday is an insult to holy days.

The Liturgical significance of Christmas is that he needed to be born as Man in order to be sacrificed on Good Friday and then ascend on Easter Sunday. Easter being the most important of the three, since the others were just required to set up for the miracle.

Modern Christmas is a shopping season. To call it a Holiday is an insult to holy days.

Well, that, and many elements of Christmas as we celebrate it, such as the tree, yule log, and Santa Clause, were actually originally Pagan traditions, adopted by the Christians as a consolation to the Pagans.
You aren't sayin' St. Nick isn't an actual Saint, are you? :)

Anyway, keeping the kernel of the "Reason for the Season" has to be good, so my trees will always be Christmas trees.
And I'm with Mark on this. It's Christmas. Screw the liberals who, in denial, want it to be known as a "holiday tree". Screw 'em.

I completely agree with that, and that holds true regardless of your religious affiliation, or lack of.