Seeking Accelerated Multi Engine Training

The fixed price places are making a bet that they can finish you up in less that the packaged hours,

if they do? they have lowered THEIR COSTS,

if they can't? they charge you for the extra hours.

It's a WIN/WIN for THEM!
The fixed price places are making a bet that they can finish you up in less that the packaged hours,

if they do? they have lowered THEIR COSTS,

if they can't? they charge you for the extra hours.

It's a WIN/WIN for THEM!
I would the think student can have some influence on the pace of the education process. If you haven't used the allotted hours and want more time to brush-up/build time, that should be something the student could control. CFI: "Do you feel comfortable taking your check ride?" Student: "I'd like to polish up the steep turns and IAP one more time, if that's ok." How can an instructor deny that?
I would want someone who is interested in keeping the process efficient. Some schools just want to keep the planes and CFIs in the air for as many wallet draining hours as possible. Each student and situation is different but I like the idea of a package deal to make it happen.
I reached out to a school and asked if I could do an accelerated multi-engine add-on. They seemed shocked that I wanted to get in done in a few days and said that it usually takes weeks, if not longer to do it.

Just my $0.02.
The fixed price places are making a bet that they can finish you up in less that the packaged hours,

if they do? they have lowered THEIR COSTS,

if they can't? they charge you for the extra hours.

It's a WIN/WIN for THEM!

twisting their moustaches allllllll the way to the bank too! :p
I just did some (tailwheel) training at Riggin Flight Service in Madison, South Dakota. The owner is a DPE and he maintains a fleet of Piper Apaches, specializes in accelerated training, and offers an affordable boarding house for long-term students. Friendly, small town 'part 61 cowboy' operation that attracts pilots from all over the place.
I second the praises for Riggins Flight Training. After cycling through three other instructors/ schools (all of which made it too complicated) I flew commercially to Riggins and was done in days. They provided a car, housing and a DPE/ school environment which was focused and specific to getting the job done. Can’t recommend them more highly.
I got my multi at Riggins too. Low cost, got the job done. The airplanes are not nice, but then you aren't paying for nice.
I'm looking into getting my multi in St. Louis. Looks like it will cost me 4k.
I second CRAFT. Did my accelerated instrument with them a couple of weeks ago and going back on June 17th for my accelerated commercial. After that I will be going back a third time for my CFI. Very nice structured company.
Do you mind if I ask how much the craft accelerated IFR process cost? I’m pretty sure I saw a quote on their site, but was wondering if it was what they said. Also, did you have any G1000 or Diamond time before going?
Do you mind if I ask how much the craft accelerated IFR process cost? I’m pretty sure I saw a quote on their site, but was wondering if it was what they said. Also, did you have any G1000 or Diamond time before going?
The cost was exactly what their website says. I upgraded to the DA40-NG for the FADEC and air conditioning.
I had zero time flying any Diamonds or the G1000NXi. I am an A&P/IA and have worked on the Diamonds and G1000 aircraft so that helped a little.
CRAFT emails you ahead of time the links to download the Diamond POH and the G1000 pilot guide and any other relevant information you may need.
Was your DPE Don Hay out of Summerville? If so how did it go?
Hello all,
I am looking to get a multi-engine add-on. For scheduling reasons, I would prefer to get it done in a 3 or 4 day span. I'm in San Diego, DPEs are in tough to schedule, and our marine layer is keeping us IFR quite a bit lately. Anyone have a place I can head for a little training trip and checkride? Southwestern states are preferred but traveling to another destination can be done too.

Any thoughts, info or feedback is appreciated!
I just got my multi rating at Traverse Air. I failed twice. I can tell you what I would have done differently to pass. Respond if interested
I’m in process of getting my multi add-on and I wouldn’t recommend rushing it. It’s a lot to learn and you will want to understand the concepts. For me, it’s a lot trying to do a morning and afternoon flight in a single day, I was going to do it one day but opted not too after the morning session. It was too much for me. I couldn’t imagine doing that for 3/4 days in a row, plus understanding the concepts and implementing them well enough to pass the checkride.

My thoughts.
You are SOOOO right! I tried the accelerated training and failed twice. Third trip I got it. Now I know I should have not tried it. I have to live with those fails on my record for life
I did mine in 7 hours over the course of two days, for a whopping $1400. It was $1700 last I checked (Edit: Holy crap it's up to $3500!). And you can say you flew with Tom Brady!

Traverse Air, in an Apache. It was very efficient training, every flight is essentially a mock checkride, just with more or less of a focus on various things. For example, early on a flight will have more of a focus on maneuvers and engine failures/restarts, while later on when you have that stuff down you might do more single engine approaches. But, it works well and the checkride feels like just another flight.

I didn't feel at all like I needed more than the two days. They send a training packet out beforehand, and you just study it on your own.
I disagree. I was asked questions for the oral that were not in the packet.
Hello all,
I am looking to get a multi-engine add-on. For scheduling reasons, I would prefer to get it done in a 3 or 4 day span. I'm in San Diego, DPEs are in tough to schedule, and our marine layer is keeping us IFR quite a bit lately. Anyone have a place I can head for a little training trip and checkride? Southwestern states are preferred but traveling to another destination can be done too.

Any thoughts, info or feedback is appreciated!
Analogy: Doing accelerated mutli training is like having to take your checkride for a private pilot license the day you hit 40 hours. Ready or not. Prepare accordingly
Analogy: Doing accelerated mutli training is like having to take your checkride for a private pilot license the day you hit 40 hours. Ready or not. Prepare accordingly
I did get signed off the day I hit 40 hours. What's the problem?
I just got my multi rating at Traverse Air. I failed twice. I can tell you what I would have done differently to pass. Respond if interested
I’ll bite, what resulted in two failures?
What were the unexpected questions on the oral?
i just made a long, few paragraphs post on the thread I started today on this topic. Let me know if you have more questions after you read that
Hello all,
I am looking to get a multi-engine add-on. For scheduling reasons, I would prefer to get it done in a 3 or 4 day span. I'm in San Diego, DPEs are in tough to schedule, and our marine layer is keeping us IFR quite a bit lately. Anyone have a place I can head for a little training trip and checkride? Southwestern states are preferred but traveling to another destination can be done too.

Any thoughts, info or feedback is appreciated!
This place has a great reputation for HIGH QUALITY training. Not the cheapest or the fastest
