Sedona Airport Under Attack - Spread the Word!

Sometimes when people complain enough they succeed in closing an airport, the problem is you just may not like what you get in its place.

Here is a picture of a little airfield 9A7 that was down the street from our house that was eventually closed due to the "New" subdivision built at one end of the runway.

Here is the same area after it was turned into a prison.
So I ask you, would you rather have an airport or a prison next to your home.:dunno:
I hope their realestate values tanked.:lol:
I can't see the poll. What are the other options getting?
Noise. Someone complained there is a lack of adult supervision because those selfish pilots owns expensive planes and do touch and go's...right over their house!

I believe it's the incessant noise from tour operators.
Sometimes when people complain enough they succeed in closing an airport, the problem is you just may not like what you get in its place.

Here is a picture of a little airfield 9A7 that was down the street from our house that was eventually closed due to the "New" subdivision built at one end of the runway.

Here is the same area after it was turned into a prison.
So I ask you, would you rather have an airport or a prison next to your home.:dunno:
I hope their realestate values tanked.:lol:

David, that's where I learned to fly, South Expressway Airport. Started my training there '79. I thought it was shut down because it wasn't doing that well and they wanted to sell.
another vote for no problem
Thanks, folks - it's a good cause!
Cant see results, their website not iPad friendly
The place is scenic. That's why the bitching home owners are there in the first place.

The place is also tranquil, do we have the right to disturb that with sun up to sun down helicopter tours? Sedona was a peaceful scenic place 20 years ago and there was the airport right there the whole time. when you sat an had lunch, hiked through hills, whatever, there was not the onslaught of noise there is now. I used to love the place, last time I stopped in I decided it would likely be my last.
Just ran into this thread.
I know (not personally) one of the key people behind this.
That person believes Chem-trails causes illness in Sedona. Smart meters are used to spy on the residents, etc... you get the idea.

Sedona is very New-Agey, which brings a lot of interesting people here.

The last time I looked into the airport closing thing I got to a pretty solid conclusion that this is just talk.
As far as I know, the city couldn't close it if they wanted to, and they don't.

There's a city meeting tomorrow at 4:30 with the airport manger. I wont be there, but I'm fairly certain nothing is going to happen.

Appreciate the effort though :-)
I voted too.

Come visit, I'll show you around - from the ground or from the air :)
The place is also tranquil, do we have the right to disturb that with sun up to sun down helicopter tours? Sedona was a peaceful scenic place 20 years ago and there was the airport right there the whole time. when you sat an had lunch, hiked through hills, whatever, there was not the onslaught of noise there is now. I used to love the place, last time I stopped in I decided it would likely be my last.

If airport noise is an issuer then I suggest a majority vote to limit the euro copter tours. If not then stuff it.

If its one chem trail freak then tell him to stuff it. Turns out airplanes need to eventually land and I support that. I also support KSEZ and they're right to have an airport. F-ck nazi homeowners who bought cheap houses and now don't like the reason it's cheap.
If I hear an airplane now, I stop what I'm doing, run outside, and wait until I see it. Then I stay there until I can't see it or hear it anymore. Really screws with my driving too when I see one near the freeway. The "noise" is music to my ears. Been to two people's houses right near SFO up in the hills, lovely places to live and neither person complained to me about the jets.
If airport noise is an issuer then I suggest a majority vote to limit the euro copter tours. If not then stuff it.

If its one chem trail freak then tell him to stuff it. Turns out airplanes need to eventually land and I support that. I also support KSEZ and they're right to have an airport. F-ck nazi homeowners who bought cheap houses and now don't like the reason it's cheap.

Oh Sedona has always had the nutjobs with chemtrails and vortexes, and Chemtrails contaminating the Vortex.... I don't think there's a cheap house within 10 minutes of the Sedona airport.
Sounds like Sedona needs an F/A-18 visit so they can get some noise level perspective. ;)
It took us forever to find a home. We thought we found a nice one, then we happened to visit at exactly the right time. Found out it was directly under approach path to Andrews AFB. About 300' AGL. Next!
I noticed on AirNav that 40% of operations at Sedona are transient. Read: visitors spending money in your town. For a place that seems mercenary to the core, with timeshare hawkers even more numerous than Vegas, I would think the monetary concerns would prevail. After all, the aviation demographic is in the upper levels as far as disposable income goes. And we are such nice people too.
Ms. Monday bought her home in 2000, some forty-three years after the airport opened.
Also, it appears that, when she is making political contributions, she lists her home as being Moab, Utah, not Sedona, Arizona.

Methinks Ms. Monday has a lot more time on her hands than perhaps she oughtta...


Hello Kettle? This is Pot. You're black.
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And don't forget her fine work at

Question 1: Why would you purchase a home near an airport if you were not willing to accept all possibilities associated with day to day airport operations? The airport has been in Sedona since 1955….Have you? My neighborhood was platted in 1950, before the airport. It’s called lied to by the Realtors and Sellers, no disclosures on the sale documents. I bought my properties in Sedona in 1999, there was no noise here and no jets and a lot less air traffic, Sedona had a small local airport- a non issue. There was a radical explosion of noise, traffic and building here in 2002. Many of my neighbors have been here for 25-30 years. Face it Cathedral Rock is at the butt end of a busy runway; there are two parks, creek properties, and tight valleys and washes holding jet and aircraft exhaust. On low wind and no wind days the sun light interacts with the particulate matter, add 20 jets to that combination. There is no way for the exhaust to blow out of here. It took me three years to figure out what was going on with the jets and I am home all day. It is hard to fathom that we have an airport inside our town and in front of the icon of our State. If you don;t have airport noise you likely have helicopters flying over your roof all day and no the helicopters were here after the homes. Property rights supersede the right to suck money off the red rocks. These people run their airport and businesses off the backs of everyone else. We should be paying no property taxes, let the business owners pay our taxes instead.
Question 2: If you are unhappy with what your neighborhood had become…why not move? I am moving and it is a hardship I moved in thinking I was staying here and I own my house I can’t give it back to the bank; what about everyone else? They should just sit here an die? get poisoned, a lot of them have no realization this is happening. Most people cannot smell the jet exhaust they live one hundred feet lower than I do. They also work, so they are unaware of how much air traffic we have. They have other things to worry about besides thinking about why they feel bad, have cancer, and can’t sleep and have a racing heart all night. Most doctor’s do not even think about jet exhaust exposure, they don’t live under the mesa.
Statement: If these jets are “coasting” over your house as you stated, that implies at a low power setting… a low power setting these engines have hardly any emissions at all…let alone enough to bring on the physical symptoms you describe. This seems psychosomatic. This only seems psychosomatic to you. There is no coasting on take off and landing in a jet. We had moderate lead levels three years ago, after living near the creek we have extremely high levels of lead and so do our neighbor’s young children. Lead tests do not lie, I can’t create a high lead level on a test by believing it to be there. My neighbors have the exact symptoms we do on high jet days. intermittent high blood pressure at age 30-42, liver pains. Read the odor study, if you can smell jet exhaust you are well beyond toxic. Sorry to say this is a real problem and odor detection of jet exhaust shows the entire valley with no wind and high heat is deadly; think about it.
Also, note well: Closing the airport would not get rid of Helicopters, now would it?
I'm clicking, deleting two cookies, then clicking again. Problem is that now that there are so many votes, it takes more clicks to move the number. ;)