SE Pre-Christmas Burger Fly-in 2022 (12-10-22)

I can either do this OR donate to the PoA fundraiser.

cheeseburger it is!
Is this happening the 17th? I can make it.
Who’s planning on coming this Saturday?
How many do we have committed?
I can go but I’ll be POd if mine’s the only plane there.
Can take others that could come to KCVC.
Guys, hate to say it, but I have to drop out. Something came up I can't move.

Only been trying to make this one for 5 years.
I’m in for JWN

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What’s the meeting time tomorrow at the Runway Cafe?
Ok. N882BC landed GMU 12:00 exactly. Where are the rest of you??????? I brought 5
I just landed at HKY, where is everyone???
I had to stay on the ground. Lowish ceiling and light snow in Indianapolis and along the route. Still going to attempt JVL tomorrow

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