SCBC 7/22 at the almighty Triple Tree

I don’t have to work. Weather is looking ok. Running out of excuses. Now I just need to come up with a plane. My first two options are out. I may actually have to rent.

what wx are u looking at? not looking good here from what I can see.
well, still questionable but doable...iffy but maybe....kinda sorta possibly could happen. how's that for a solid go/no-go decision?

will check again this evening. they were calling for a really nasty day today and so far it's pretty nice. which is weird, weather people getting the forecast wrong. hhmmmff.
well, still questionable but doable...iffy but maybe....kinda sorta possibly could happen. how's that for a solid go/no-go decision?

will check again this evening. they were calling for a really nasty day today and so far it's pretty nice. which is weird, weather people getting the forecast wrong. hhmmmff.
Same song and dance here. Local news was calling for a strong line of weather to move thru between 2 and 3 and so far the radar is clear and a million. Wish I could find a job that pays to be wrong!
I’ve got our 152 booked and will make a go/no go call in the morning. Hope the weather holds up. I’m trying to become a life long member of the breakfast club.
I’ve got our 152 booked and will make a go/no go call in the morning. Hope the weather holds up. I’m trying to become a life long member of the breakfast club.

only takes one time and you're in!

I cancelled with my buddy but I will also see in the am. my main concern now is how wet the runway will be.
so PoA compadres, did we go?

if its not too much trouble, bring me back 2 pancakes, 3 strips of bacon, scrambled eggs w/ cheese and ome tropicana orange juice... :D
so PoA compadres, did we go?

if its not too much trouble, bring me back 2 pancakes, 3 strips of bacon, scrambled eggs w/ cheese and ome tropicana orange juice... :D

Heading out now. getting a little bit of a late start thanks to the knucklehead weather peeps.
Sorry, I bailed. Everyone seemed so on the fence about the weather, so I made other plans. Of course it’s beautiful here this morning. I hope to get up there for the big event in September. Have fun!
Ceilings didn’t look great by Lauren’s but I went to our airport to get ready anyways. Couldn’t find the keys to our 152 anywhere in the clubhouse or airplane and no one wrote up any maintenance issues so trying to figure out what’s up with it. Sorry I missed you guys again. I can’t wait to get into my own plane or a partnership or something. Flying through this club has been inconsistent at best. My checkride is scheduled for Tuesday now with a different DPE so I got to figure out what’s up with this plane pronto.
I really look up to you Southeastern folks...always meeting up and stuff

Well in our defense we didn't go public with our breakfast fly in discussion. Maybe we should so more people would know and possibly fly out/in.
Well in our defense we didn't go public with our breakfast fly in discussion. Maybe we should so more people would know and possibly fly out/in.

I’d say if it was like a weekend fly in it would make sense. The private group message probably works well for what we are doing, but whatever works!
coupl'a clips from the SCBC flight this morning.

Very nice! I should have gone. Now that we know the Moonanza does grass, see you at Gaston’s!
I flew into GMU the night before, had to wait out some thunderstorms but made it no problem. Was at the Jet Center at 7:30 AM and got a call from the DPE around 8 asking what I thought about the weather forcast. It looked like crap honestly (this was Tuesday), and I said that. She agreed and said that if she doesn't believe we have a reasonable chance to complete the flight portion she can't start the oral. I was all for trying to get it done, but by the tone of her voice I could tell she didn't think it would work out, so we mutually agreed to reschedule. I didn't want to go against her thinking when she is questioning my judgement as PIC. BUT skies cleared around 11:30 and it was a beautiful day... I was a little bitter all day. Not at anyone in particular, just mother nature.

Anyways getting a solo endorsement for Triple Tree tomorrow so I will be making it weather permitting. We've had some crappy mornings around here the past couple weeks.

Remember, Mother Nature hates checkrides!

Since your DPE is evaluating your judgement, don't push the weather. -Skip
moonanza does golf course fairway grass, she doesn't do off roadin' grass.
Good vid Eric... it must of killed you going more than 1min of recording... :p i love the vfr on top...

Was the grass as advertised?
Good vid Eric... it must of killed you going more than 1min of recording... :p i love the vfr on top...

Was the grass as advertised?

going over 10 minutes was extremely painful, but I thought it was important to get the arrival procedure in there in case someone was looking for it. otherwise I could have chopped it down to like 2 minutes or so.

the grass was a total non-factor. landing with a tailwind was a much bigger factor and therefore I didn't get the squeaker I was hoping for. wait, can u actually have a grass squeaker? the runway and even taxiing was smoother than Monroe (EQY), where I'm actually scared of a prop strike every time I go to get gas there. I can see rwy 3 being the preferred, as it's slightly uphill and keeps you away from the one house north of the rwy, who apparently complains about noise (they have a noise abatement procedure departing on 3 to avoid the house).

the peeps at Triple Tree have their act together. even tho the place is huge and it was my first time there and had no idea where I was going, they guide u all the way to your spot. really nice folks and man that facility is well cared for. it's a shame that they aren't open for camping all the time. otherwise, it's a great place for absolutely no one from PoA to show up to a fly in at.
That guy in the "tower" wasn't a controller was he? He "be advised" you at least twice which is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me, but great video. I've never landed on grass but it would appear that the grass there is as good as it gets.
That guy in the "tower" wasn't a controller was he? He "be advised" you at least twice which is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me, but great video. I've never landed on grass but it would appear that the grass there is as good as it gets.

dunno, he was prob just some dude. he handled the traffic very well (I came in post rush but I was listening for a while). he even handled the one old dude who clearly had no effing clue about anything, I'm not even sure how he was flying a plane. everyone else was quiet and followed the arrival procedure, he didn't even know there was one. I was embarrassed for him.
Caveat - When you first called the "tower" I expected a tower. I didn't know about any procedure and even when you said "I'll be back after I start the procedure" I thought that you were flying a procedure such as an ILS, GPS, etc. :) It's all starting to make sense now.

You were flying a procedure, I thought you were flying a procedure procedure. ;)
Caveat - When you first called the "tower" I expected a tower. I didn't know about any procedure and even when you said "I'll be back after I start the procedure" I thought that you were flying a procedure such as an ILS, GPS, etc. :) It's all starting to make sense now.

You were flying a procedure, I thought you were flying a procedure procedure. ;)

it's a 'tower' in that some people nailed some 2 x 4's together to form a structure where a non controller could talk into a radio and tell people to do things like "turn now" and "caution, tail wind".
Saw it in the other thread, stole your picture, wanna see it? Here tis.

A bit of a funny story. Wife and I were flying to Concord (JQF) one weekend. There was an event taking place at Triple Tree that weekend. Iwas on FF with Greer Approach at the time and a guy came on asking if the knew the CTAF for Triple Tree. I preceded to explain to my wife that there is a published procedure for events there that has all the information need to fly in there. I told her it was obvious the dude hadn't read anything and was flying "blind", so to speak. It wasn't five minutes until I heard someone else key up and ask for the CTAF also. This time is just happened to be a friend of mine fron our chapter as I recognized the tail number and voice. We had a good laugh.

Here is a link to the video my flight instructor and his wife made from this event - as an added bonus, you can hear me on the radio at the beginning, and see me land (fast and long) a little later on.
...Here is a link to the video my flight instructor and his wife made from this event - as an added bonus, you can hear me on the radio at the beginning, and see me land (fast and long) a little later on.

oh, you went.
I didn't want to be the one to tell you but...he's ignoring you. :ihih:

yep. oh well, you know, I tried. I try to spread aviation and get the guys together but I guess I just failed. I just want to try to promote meet ups and social gatherings for the local peeps but I guess you just can't please everyone. (how's my guilt trip going so far?). triple tree is a great place to meet up, bs, talk aviation, meet new people....but I guess I was wrong. oh well, wasted effort on my part. my apologies. (how'd I do?)
Very well but he's still ignoring you. Target audience - swinganamiss I'm afraid. ;)
Sorry - I didn’t look at this again until afterwards. I’ll buy you a beer when you come here in September.
Yup, that's what I expected it would be like there...because Sanford was IFR for hours. Had clear skies 50 miles east and 50 west, but we were stuck.

Ah time.
Thanks for trying to put this together eman

Sorry I did not reply, would not have worked for me. I am working 9-5, traveling for work a lot and trying to teach 3 days a week after work, some on weekends, plus my wife and I are in the process of buying a house, I have no time
Thanks for trying to put this together eman

Sorry I did not reply, would not have worked for me. I am working 9-5, traveling for work a lot and trying to teach 3 days a week after work, some on weekends, plus my wife and I are in the process of buying a house, I have no time

Oh I was just bustin chops, giving Tyler a hard time.