I flew into GMU the night before, had to wait out some thunderstorms but made it no problem. Was at the Jet Center at 7:30 AM and got a call from the DPE around 8 asking what I thought about the weather forcast. It looked like crap honestly (this was Tuesday), and I said that. She agreed and said that if she doesn't believe we have a reasonable chance to complete the flight portion she can't start the oral. I was all for trying to get it done, but by the tone of her voice I could tell she didn't think it would work out, so we mutually agreed to reschedule. I didn't want to go against her thinking when she is questioning my judgement as PIC. BUT skies cleared around 11:30 and it was a beautiful day... I was a little bitter all day. Not at anyone in particular, just mother nature.
Anyways getting a solo endorsement for Triple Tree tomorrow so I will be making it weather permitting. We've had some crappy mornings around here the past couple weeks.