RV Camping at Sun 'n Fun (the vehicle, not the plane)

FL Pilot

Nov 23, 2020
West Central Florida
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FL Pilot
My neighbor is planning to take his family to Sun 'n Fun and camp in their recreational vehicle.

If any of you have experience doing this, I'd appreciate any tips, tricks, advice or lessons learned to pass along.

They would probably arrive on the 4/10/24, which is after the show begins. I'm not sure how difficult it will be to find space at that point?

I've always had a good time in the non-airplane campground. I don't remember any obvious do's or don'ts, only that it gets (or used to get) very full at the beginning of the show. We ended up in the "back 40" a couple of times because we couldn't find a spot big enough for a small tent in more convenient places.

I love these events but find them a bit uncomfortable, so would like to hear others opinions on that. Typically I’ll just drive up for the day.

For example at Oshkosh the aircraft camping is ridiculously far away, by roads with loud truck noise at night, and temperatures were uncomfortable.

So my concern is temperatures and with no hookups you cannot use the RV fully and then everyone will be running their generators to get AC.

Sun n Fun says pet friendly so that’s a plus.

So my concern is temperatures and with no hookups you cannot use the RV fully and then everyone will be running their generators to get AC.

The rules indicate, "Generators may be operated between 7 AM and 10 PM unless you are in the Overflow Camping area or in the (new) East Campground."

I believe the implication is that those in the "Overflow Camping area or in the (new) East Campground" may run their generator 24/7 and not so in the other areas.
Yeah true, not a huge fan of running the generator 24/7 but when it’s hot I don’t think anyone cares.
Appreciate the reply but we're seeking info regarding past experiences at Sun 'n Fun, not OSH.
Yeah sorry about that, duh.
Been to Sun N Fun 3 times also in our RV. We setup in a closed pasture and there is plenty of room there in multiple campground sections. It was not far from the gate, a bike ride.