Man I am glad those Russians are keeping an eye on those Canadians! I know those wily Canucks are up to something! They needs to be watched!!
I see the way they are infiltrating our culture through the entertainment and news industry. Soon we will all be saying 'zed' instead of 'zee' and then we will go 'oot' and 'aboot' when we mean to go out and about. Molson's will become America's beer and the brewery will take over Budweiser production!
IT's a plaid plot I tell YOU!!!!!! [/spittle]
They started fixing up their rusty navy and air force a few years back until the oil prices dropped again. The most laughable thing they've done recently is unveil their stealth fighter jet which is a knockoff of the F-22 without any of the advanced avionics and targeting systems.
Oh and let's not mention the fact that their invasion of Georgia almost failed because they were barely able to establish supply lines to the front.
In the old days we used plenty of non-verbal hand and other body part signals to communicate to the Soviet fighters that intercepted us. We had no problem communicating."There were no verbal communications between the Nimitz aircraft or the Russian aircraft," the official said.
In the old days we used plenty of non-verbal hand and other body part signals to communicate to the Soviet fighters that intercepted us. We had no problem communicating.
Amateurish."Yes, Goose, I am familiar with 'the finger'"
"I'm sorry, I hate it when it does that."
I'm not sure which NAVY is rustier :wink2:
P.S. By the way it's Georgia who invaded first according US intelligence.