Russian Bomber Goes 4 Wheeling!

Reason #354 why I'm not super scared of this defeated empire
Reason #354 why I'm not super scared of this defeated empire

Just finished reading this book:


The Air Force "acquired" various Migs, 17, 21, 25s, and had a squadron with AF, Navy & Marine fighter pilots in it out in the desert that flew Russian tactics against our fighter pilots from the AF, Navy, and Marines. Like you said, we had nothing to be scared of but nice to be over prepared, and our military is. Excellent read BTW.
You're quick 'Dog. Oh and that's what she said too. :aureola:
Was that really a "heavy" bomber? I'm no expert, but that looked rather small to be called a heavy.
Was that really a "heavy" bomber? I'm no expert, but that looked rather small to be called a heavy.

Here's one being intercepted by a F-14, and an F-14 is a big fighter.

  • Loaded weight: 112,000 kg (246,000 lb)

Was that really a "heavy" bomber? I'm no expert, but that looked rather small to be called a heavy.
In Soviet Russia even light bombers are heavy.
True Nauga and I thought that when I posted it, but it's still a big bomber.
Was that really a "heavy" bomber? I'm no expert, but that looked rather small to be called a heavy.

Whether it be 255,000 lbs or 300,000 lbs MTOW, no, the Backfire isn't technically a "heavy."
TU-160 is definitely a heavy.
May have forgotten but I thought 200,000 begins Heavy for ATC?

Used to be 300,000, then it went to 255,000. I believe they went back to 300,000 again. Of course now a days they use some A,B,C,D,E,F weight class now for ATC. Makes my head spin.
yeah, we bungle bomber ops too, as recently as last year. Same exact accident profile (BUFFooned rejected takeoff)
The Russians forgot to install the off-road tires, like the Germans used in WWI.....

Ron Wanttaja