I can't make the Expo because of a prior commitment teaching folks how to shoot photos of Coke cans in a parking lot from moving automobiles (Ha... Teaching CAP photo mission skills...) but it's going to be cool!
I hope you guys have Eric signed up to show off his Jabiru. That's got to be the coolest SLSA in the area. I asked him today if his winglets were so he could be in the airliner crowd at the lunch at BJC.
His Denver Broncos paint scheme ain't bad "marketing" around here either!
That's one sharp lookin' airplane, Eric!
There wasn't any grass growin' under the Gobii (is that plural for Gobosh) today either. They were slugging it out in the light chop like champs!
And the two fat guys and one skinny guy in the 182 brought up the rear all day after getting a late start and waiting a looooong time for breakfast at GXY.
What a fun day!