Researching ISP alternates


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
I need (really need) a new one.
Where can I look to find alternates, competitors?
Prefer DSL, wifi (not satellite)
You will not find another DSL provider; even if you did, they'd still rely upon the same DSLAM (the DSL equipment at the CO) that you're on now.
Y'know, that Verizon might be an option. My 3G can be pretty quick.
Might I ask specifically what's wrong with the current provider?

There's ways to simply use them as a way to get to the Net and do-it-yourself just about everything else, if you don't mind putting in the time and effort.

About the only reason you *must* leave a provider is either their bandwidth stinks (too slow, too many dropped packets, no sign they're fixing it), or pricing.

Everything else can usually be fixed by utilizing other providers or setting up your own gear that runs your way. The former requires a few $, the latter your time.

Just curious. Why do you need to switch?
are you talking about using a cellphone as a hotspot?

Nope- they have devices which create hot-spots. Example: the MyFi.

Problem is, I don't see that Verizon offers any unlimited data plans, and the use to which you put the Internet will blow through the caps. That plus the high cost (V wants 80/ month for ten gig) equals bad deal, I think.

We just need to get ATT to step up and fix the pipe.
Problem is, I don't see that Verizon offers any unlimited data plans,

Yeah, I believe they eliminated the unlimited plan earlier this year. If you had it, you kept it, but no new subscriptions.

I have it, but unfortunately, don't get cell reception at the farm. It's great when I'm on the road though. I tether my laptop to my droid. Works quite well.
Yeah, I believe they eliminated the unlimited plan earlier this year. If you had it, you kept it, but no new subscriptions.

VZ and ATT have not offered unlimited aircard/MiFi for a LONG time now. What got eliminated earlier this year was unlimited cellphone data.

Sprint had unlimited MiFi/aircard until very recently; that's now gone, too (but old users were grandfathered in - I still have a Sprint unlimited aircard, though their service is slower & less reliable than the others).

Clear Wireless (WiMax) still has unlimited at a good price if you're in their coverage area (Dave's not in their coverage area....).

There is a company called BroadbandBlue that supposedly serves that part of Texas. Don't know anything about them.

The other option - and I don't know whether it's available in Dave's area - is a microwave-based broadband service (uses the old ITFS frequencies). An example is VisualLink, which is located in Winchester, VA (and serves Winchester and surrounding rural areas). Good service, reliable, etc. There may be a similar company near Dave.... I just don't know.

As for the DSLAM issue, when I lived in San Antonio, I initially had a CLEC providing internet service; DSLAM was co-located with SBC's switch and used SBC's lines to house. I had nothing but trouble with the last-mile and finally gave up and went to SBC for internet service. The service was better (they pulled new subscriber drop for me), but I still called them about once a month with issues. In the end, I had the phone number for the local tech supervisor. (Not that Time Warner was much better according to neighbors....)

EDIT: Big Bend telecommunications ( supposedly serves Alpine with wireless broadband - dave, you might want to see if they can serve up where you live.
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Oh -- this is about computers. I thought it was was choosing between FRG and FOK as an alternate when flying to ISP.
I have Frontier Communications DSL. Frontier is buying up a lot of Verizon's rural lines. Service isn't bad at all. I get a consistent 3 Mb/s connection, which isn't bad for being out in the middle of nowhere...

The only annoying thing about Frontier is that they block port forwarding on residential accounts. I finally upgraded to a business account (the price was almost the same, and I get unlimited phone service as part of the deal); and now they don't block anything.

I used to have Sprint 4G, which was phenomenal and unlimited... but they don't have a tower here.
Here is what I was thinking. A half dozen years ago, all of a sudden we had the choice here of choosing from any number of phone service providers. They were of course, using the SWBell infrastructure.
Now, I cannot find any of those companies.
I was hoping to switch to one of them in case that might provide more reliable service...and send a (albeit tiny) message to ATT.
The reason they're gone I'd hesitate to guess is that it wasn't a sustainable business model to charge less than the ILEC while still riding on their infrastructure.

Access prices went up because Public Utility commissions/regulators believe the ILEC when they whine about "losing money" to competitors.

It makes no logical sense, but that's slowly what happened.

The local carriers did spend big bucks on infrastructure in areas it would make them big bucks. Verizon's fiber to the curb offerings come to mind. They also cleverly locked competitors out of riding on that infrastructure. Those services like FIOS aren't Common Carrier services.

I think "unlimited" bandwidth is headed the way of the dodo bird in the long haul, even wireline. Wireless? Bandwidth is the problem.

The pricing on pushing bits is too low to sustain it in many areas, and the pressure of shareholders for unlimited growth and/or rising dividends is too high. Telcos tend to pay dividends. Takes a lot of cash.

It's cheaper and easier to squeeze the consumer and less risky than deploying more new infrastructure on a wide-spread basis, right now.

I have no idea how Comcast can sell me a Commercial account with a consistent 15 Mb/s download and 2.5 Mb/s upload speed at less than $40/month plus taxes. But they do.

I suspect that's not sustainable but I thank those paying for TV from them at a Hugh price to subsidize my bandwidth addiction. ;)

Spending a week on Sprint 3G last week really gave me appreciation for my cablemodem! ;)