Renew 3rd Class - DUI



Long story made short, I received DUI 12 years ago. When I applied for my initial 3rd class medical, 6 years ago, it was delayed. Application was sent to OK City, paperwork sent, eventually received medical.

2 years ago, I went to same AME to get examination done. At that time, I indicated that I had had a DUI on the Med Xpress medical history question. AME asked about it, and I told him it was the same violation (only violation) from the last time. The way he questioned it, I felt like perhaps it was not necessary to list it.

Getting ready for exam again, AME retired about a year ago. I found a local AME to go to, but I am wondering if this needs to be disclosed again (and forever.) Not trying to hide it, but if it isn't necessary as the FAA knows about it, I would rather put it in the past for good.

Thank you for your input.
section 18v of the 8500 says conviction of...... yes, it must be reported forever. can be noted PRNC (previously reported no change)
unsafervguy is right. You need to report it. You can put PRNC, but the doctor is pretty much obliged to ask you about it anyhow.
Call 405 954-4821 and have them send you your letter of eligibility. Check YES or it is an easily actionable felonious ( class4) lie. AME will yawn and issue you.

you lost the letter, didn’t you.....
I don't recall having/needing the letter last time I renewed 2 years ago. My assumption now is that I will need to keep it indefinitely for each medical exam?

Thank you for all who replied.
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