"POA traffic"
Nope not a fan of the use of "traffic".
I'll make a case for a straight in approach. This comes from sitting with some of the tower folk. It's not official it's just the result of conversation in the airport diner, and something we do.
I fly a slow airplane (PA-17). I buzz around at 2150 rpm and 85 mph indicated. At full power I can touch 100 mph, and I'm in the yellow zone.
There are a couple of active flight schools at KPOU. Four to eight planes up at any one time.
If I'm following the rules, when I'm in the pattern, I'm constantly being overtaken by faster aircraft. You know, rockets, like 172s, Cherokees, 182s, and Bos.
This annoys the snot out of the faster airplanes, and makes a lot of work for the guys in the tower.
So we have worked out something that makes life easier for everyone.
I call in, 10 miles out at 2,500ft, over 44N, lined up on rwy 24. The tower acknowledges me and I start coasting downhill to KPOU. they can sequence faster planes in in front of me and if it looks like there might be a conflict as I get closer they will extend someone downwind and call their base. More planes get in with less work.
Straight in at an uncontrolled field is, more often than not, the wild, wild west. "Traffic"
Nope, still don't like it.