Really annoying people

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
//start rant

So there is this guy, I can best describe as a balding, slightly overweight middle age guy of some foreign decent, who comes in to my gym every morning and takes a shower.

But that's all he does. He doesn't exercise, doesn't work out, doesn't swim, doesn't sit in the steam or sauna, he just showers. For about an hour straight. And he arrives in street clothes so it's not like he was just out on a run or something.

And he must have some sort of serious body funk issue, I don't know. He scrubs himself down with a combination of brushes, rags, plastic scrub-things, and at the end he leaves this big, huge, gigantic pile of soap suds in the middle of the shower room floor.

It drives me freakin' crazy. I occasionaly hint to him that it would be nice if he could clean the soapy mess up after he's done. He even apologizes after I nearly bust my ass trying to tiptoe around the soapy, scummy mess in order to get to a shower stall and back.

Yet he still does it. One of these days I'm either going to have either, a) deck him one, b) spike his soap with itching powder and purple leather dye, or c) urinate in his gym bag.

So what kind of annoying people do you encounter?

end rant//
"balding, slightly overweight middle age guy of some foreign descent" doesn't really narrow it down much. That pretty much describes most of the people here.
That IS seriously strange.....most people that I have run into that might match that description would go to the gym and work out but not shower instead of the other way around!
So what kind of annoying people do you encounter?
Just guys who complain about other people's showering habits.


Gym changing rooms are places where I think each of us have to try very hard to be tolerant of other people. At my gym there is an older guy, late 50s, who likes to walk in circles around the sinks when he gets out of the shower. He does this naked and talks to himself while he does it. He will do this for 15 minutes and then go and put clothes on. Drives me crazy too.
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//start rant

So there is this guy, I can best describe as a balding, slightly overweight middle age guy of some foreign decent, who comes in to my gym every morning and takes a shower.

But that's all he does. He doesn't exercise, doesn't work out, doesn't swim, doesn't sit in the steam or sauna, he just showers. For about an hour straight. And he arrives in street clothes so it's not like he was just out on a run or something.

And he must have some sort of serious body funk issue, I don't know. He scrubs himself down with a combination of brushes, rags, plastic scrub-things, and at the end he leaves this big, huge, gigantic pile of soap suds in the middle of the shower room floor.

It drives me freakin' crazy. I occasionaly hint to him that it would be nice if he could clean the soapy mess up after he's done. He even apologizes after I nearly bust my ass trying to tiptoe around the soapy, scummy mess in order to get to a shower stall and back.

Yet he still does it. One of these days I'm either going to have either, a) deck him one, b) spike his soap with itching powder and purple leather dye, or c) urinate in his gym bag.

So what kind of annoying people do you encounter?

end rant//

Hey - I take one hour showers! But not at the gym. Seriously, though, I encounter too many annoying people each day to count. I have learned to just ignore them and not allow them to ruin my day. Everything from bad drivers / pedestrians to people I work with (via telephone) to people who live in my apartment complex.
Ignoring them is the only way to go. The one thing I find really annoying is people who have to be on their cell phone in a cafe/restaurant. Rude.

But I am one of those people who doesn't actually do anything at the gym. Well, maybe swim from time to time. My gym is more of a social place; and that's even more true now that they've installed a cafe with wireless internet. So you can "go to the gym" and then have coffee with your friends and go on PoA :P
Heck, he could be homeless, living out of his car. A gym membership can be a lot less expensive than rent. Of course, that doesn't address the mess he's leaving...
Ignoring them is the only way to go. The one thing I find really annoying is people who have to be on their cell phone in a cafe/restaurant. Rude.
IMHO when they are standing next to me at the urinal talking on their cellphone trumps the restaurant thing.
One hour showers?!
Can tell you all don't live in dry zones... we have quite a few towns and cities here that are down to 1% water reserves! Kemp Texas, ran out so did Robert Lee. Midland/Odessa in the news down to 2%. El Paso is 'lucky' they got desal plants recently to use the brine from wells near Dell City
Send some of that water down here!
If you don't have a shower - joining a gym is fairly cheap access to one. I've known a few people that live in a small camper and then use a gym for a shower. Not my style, but, it takes all people.
IMHO when they are standing next to me at the urinal talking on their cellphone trumps the restaurant thing.
No argument there! I wish I had a personal cell phone interference thing that I could just carry around!
"balding, slightly overweight middle age guy of some foreign descent" doesn't really narrow it down much. That pretty much describes most of the people here.

Hmmm, true.... in the unlikely event he happens to be a POA member (he doesn't look like a typical pilot) hopefully he'll read this and get the hint!

That IS seriously strange.....most people that I have run into that might match that description would go to the gym and work out but not shower instead of the other way around!

Yes - I go to work directly from the gym and on my days off, I'd rather use their soap and water. As you know, in California, this water stuff almost costs more than beer!

Gym changing rooms are places where I think each of us have to try very hard to be tolerant of other people. At my gym there is an older guy, late 50s, who likes to walk in circles around the sinks when he gets out of the shower. He does this naked and talks to himself while he does it. He will do this for 15 minutes and then go and put clothes on. Drives me crazy too.

Never occurred to me that might be annoying. I will make it a point to stop doing that!

Two words:

Home Gym.

Simply doesn't work for me. I can't possibly have as nice of a home gym as Mr. 24 can give me, and I normally use a gym near work so I can get the commute out of the way in the early morning before traffic sets in. Plus, there is the motivational aspect - staring at those tight little spandex behinds gives me that much more motivation to do an extra set of crunches, spend an extra 15 minutes on the cardio machine or do those last few reps on the bench press. Takes more of this to get more of that kind of thing.

Hey - I take one hour showers! But not at the gym. Seriously, though, I encounter too many annoying people each day to count. I have learned to just ignore them and not allow them to ruin my day. Everything from bad drivers / pedestrians to people I work with (via telephone) to people who live in my apartment complex.

Yes, hour long showers are more typically a woman thing. I usually spend five minutes max in the shower myself.

Ignoring them is the only way to go. The one thing I find really annoying is people who have to be on their cell phone in a cafe/restaurant. Rude.

But I am one of those people who doesn't actually do anything at the gym. Well, maybe swim from time to time. My gym is more of a social place; and that's even more true now that they've installed a cafe with wireless internet. So you can "go to the gym" and then have coffee with your friends and go on PoA :P

Now THAT'S Marin County for you - Rocky would be horrified!
We have a small locker room at my gym. There is one guy that likes to put one foot up on the benches in the changing area when drying off after a shower. He always seems to be oriented so everything is showing as soon as you come in. Could you at least turn around?
I'd crawl under his car and tighten his oil filter REALLY REALLY tight!! :)
I actually go to the gym to workout. Then go home to shower. In fact, I never even set foot in the locker room - my keys remain with me at the treadmill. I don't agree with the social thing at the gym, but that's when they sit / stand on equipment I want to use and chat with each other for an hour. Get off the machine!!!!
What a stupid rant. Want to see annoying people? Ride a motorcycle. The difference between the one in the OP and the ones I deal with all the frakking time is the former are far less likely to kill you.

Bikes are invisible to most cagers, except for the very few who will see and actively try and murder the biker.
Gym changing rooms are places where I think each of us have to try very hard to be tolerant of other people. At my gym there is an older guy, late 50s, who likes to walk in circles around the sinks when he gets out of the shower. He does this naked and talks to himself while he does it. He will do this for 15 minutes and then go and put clothes on. Drives me crazy too.

He's air-drying - just like Cuba Gooding Jr.
What a stupid rant. Want to see annoying people? Ride a motorcycle. The difference between the one in the OP and the ones I deal with all the frakking time is the former are far less likely to kill you.

Bikes are invisible to most cagers, except for the very few who will see and actively try and murder the biker.

This is why I sold my motorcycle. I knew at some point one of the cagers would hit me.
And I believe some muslim sects take the ritual wash to extremes... that may be what's going on, and in that case be grateful that he's modified the ritual to include soap and water.

Overall, not that big of a problem
What a stupid rant. Want to see annoying people? Ride a motorcycle. The difference between the one in the OP and the ones I deal with all the frakking time is the former are far less likely to kill you.

Bikes are invisible to most cagers, except for the very few who will see and actively try and murder the biker.

And I believe some muslim sects take the ritual wash to extremes... that may be what's going on, and in that case be grateful that he's modified the ritual to include soap and water.

Overall, not that big of a problem

I don't think that's a case but I'm no expert. I'll take a crazy cager over an enraged naked Sikh anytime though.
I actually go to the gym to workout. Then go home to shower. In fact, I never even set foot in the locker room - my keys remain with me at the treadmill. I don't agree with the social thing at the gym, but that's when they sit / stand on equipment I want to use and chat with each other for an hour. Get off the machine!!!!
That's funny; I do the exact opposite! Go to the gym to shower (nothing like those warm towels and shampoo and conditioner they have there) but not to work out :P
That's funny; I do the exact opposite! Go to the gym to shower (nothing like those warm towels and shampoo and conditioner they have there) but not to work out :P

Hmmm... you might fit the profile.... I don't recall "balding" or "slightly overweight", but then I haven't seen you for almost two years...
Hmmm... you might fit the profile.... I don't recall "balding" or "slightly overweight", but then I haven't seen you for almost two years...
Lol. Well, I don't see the point of showering for an hour or using brushes on myself, but hey :)

That aside, on a serious note, gyms are quite useful for taking showers. I often leave the barn, go to the gym to shower, and then go to dinner. Easier than going out of my way to go home.
People don't annoy me much. My wife says that I have a lot of tolerance when it comes to others. That isn't to say that I don't get annoyed, it just takes a lot. I'm thinking I might get annoyed with someone who leaves a mess like that. Working at the aquatic center, I'm used to wading through a lot of bio-hazard in the course of a day. I know about people who put their wet feet up on the benches to dry their legs. I agree that can get a little obnoxious at times, but lots of people do that. I wear flip flops almost all the time, especially in the shower rooms. We hose the locker rooms down several times a day at the pool. That helps a lot.
If I had problems in the showers, I'd just go next door and use the girls'!
Ignoring them is the only way to go. The one thing I find really annoying is people who have to be on their cell phone in a cafe/restaurant. Rude....

Why is it rude? In a restaurant you are surrounded by people talking (and expect to be). What's the difference? Does it bother you that you can hear only half the conversation?

I will grant you that it is rude if the others in question talk unnecessarily loudly when on the phone. They probably don't realize what they are doing. To me that is annoying wherever it happens. Years ago I worked with a Frenchman who would scream at the top of his lungs when on the phone (or radio). Remembering how bad the French phone system was in the old days, I think I know why.

Some people talk unnecessarily loudly in face-to-face conversation as well - and that, too, is rude if there are others within earshot. I wonder if it is a regional thing? - several times I have dined in the Chicago area, and noticed that the noise level in those restaurants was nearly deafening. Generally speaking, it's not like that where I live.

Why is it rude? In a restaurant you are surrounded by people talking (and expect to be). What's the difference? Does it bother you that you can hear only half the conversation?
There's just so many things wrong with it. Yes, it does bother me because it makes that one half of the conversation stand out a lot more. Also, people talk about things on the phone that they otherwise wouldn't talk about in person. But moreover, in a shared social space, it is impolite to act drastically different than everybody else. For example, if I go to a restaurant and start dancing on the table, I would get thrown out. If I go to a restaurant and start talking to myself (or the phone) for hours on end - and especially if I do so loudly - I should get thrown out as well. Lots of nice restaurants now will ask people to take their calls outside - just sad that people have lost this sense of propriety.

But your other point is spot on - in the vast majority of cases, people speak much more loudly on the phone than they otherwise would. Luckily, most people here are still polite enough to take their calls outside, but it only takes one....
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Why is it rude? In a restaurant you are surrounded by people talking (and expect to be). What's the difference? Does it bother you that you can hear only half the conversation?

I will grant you that it is rude if the others in question talk unnecessarily loudly when on the phone. They probably don't realize what they are doing. To me that is annoying wherever it happens. Years ago I worked with a Frenchman who would scream at the top of his lungs when on the phone (or radio). Remembering how bad the French phone system was in the old days, I think I know why.

Some people talk unnecessarily loudly in face-to-face conversation as well - and that, too, is rude if there are others within earshot. I wonder if it is a regional thing? - several times I have dined in the Chicago area, and noticed that the noise level in those restaurants was nearly deafening. Generally speaking, it's not like that where I live.

I think it is the same reason that people get upset when other people don't speak English.
I don't mind at all if people are talking (in a normal tone of voice) on their cell phones-- or speak a foreign language-- in public or by themselves at a restaurant. I have no interest in eavesdropping on their conversations anyway. Can't imagine why it's anybody else's business. I admit, sometimes it's a near thing. I rounded the aisle at the grocery store a while back, and saw some large woman berating the potato chips. I mean, she was really giving the dickens, shaking her fist and all. I hurried by, thinking, "Poor thing, she needs to get her meds checked..." then saw she had one of those ear-thingies, and was issuing correction to some unlucky person on her phone. Amazing, this new technology.

What does strike me as exceedingly odd, is to see four people at a table, each absorbed in his/her own private conversation, texting, or browsing, ignoring the people they bothered to sit down with. Now THAT seems rude, and I'm sore tempted to jerk a knot in the slouching teenagers who, having Sunday dinner with their elders, can't tear themselves away from their electronic toys for a half hour.

Annoying? People who think their political opinions were handed down from on high. Unless they agree with me, they're wrong. Drivers who can't figure out how to operate their turn signals. Writers who apparently skipped Fourth Grade, can't remember what to do with an apostrophe or decide when to use their, there, or they're. Gum chewers, especially noisy ones. People who pick their teeth at the table. Other than those, and a few dozen other little peeves and crotchets, I'm the very soul of tolerance. Just ask anyone... um.... Never mind.