In Barstow, CA there is a sign along I-40, "Wilmington, NC 2554". A similar sign exists in Wilimington with mileage to Barstow.Gotta love driving in Texas. I've driven I-10 all the way through Texas. When you enter on the east side of the state they've got a mileage sign, I believe it goes something like this:
Beaumont: 24
El Paso: 798
You know someone at TX-DOT did that just because they could.
In Barstow, CA there is a sign along I-40, "Wilmington, NC 2554". A similar sign exists in Wilimington with mileage to Barstow.
Gotta love driving in Texas. I've driven I-10 all the way through Texas. When you enter on the east side of the state they've got a mileage sign, I believe it goes something like this:
Beaumont: 24
El Paso: 798
You know someone at TX-DOT did that just because they could.
In Barstow, CA there is a sign along I-40, "Wilmington, NC 2554". A similar sign exists in Wilimington with mileage to Barstow.
Traveling across Texas is sort of like Hotel California. Drive across all you want but you can never leave.
can't wait for you to get here Spike. we'll be standing by ready to give you and Tomster a glider ride.
i swear if i get laid off from another job, im just going to come here and live.
I thought Ted's number was a bit off, but didn't have the exact figure handy. That mile marker is also the highest numbered one in the Interstate system.It's worse than that, Ted. It says El Paso: 899.
Amen. I once took a driving trip to LA from Houston, and it was a day and a half before I left Texas. I would contend that the 300 or so miles from 100 west of San Antonio to Van Horn are the dullest in the entire Interstate system.The old trucker saying is "The sun did rise, the sun did set, and we ain't outta Texas yet."
Amen. I once took a driving trip to LA from Houston, and it was a day and a half before I left Texas. I would contend that the 300 or so miles from 100 west of San Antonio to Van Horn are the dullest in the entire Interstate system.
It's worse than that, Ted. It says El Paso: 899.
San Angelo to New Orleans on I-10 (most of the way) worst drive of my life. I swear I fell alseep and stayed on the road for at least ten minutes. Even Naples to to GA on I-75 was shorter than the I-10 Texas run.I dunno, I've only run that stretch at night, but I'd have to contend that crossing Indiana and Ohio (on either 70 or 80, or running north-south on 65, 75, or 77) would certainly have to be up there. Booooooooooo-ring!
San Angelo to New Orleans on I-10 (most of the way) worst drive of my life. I swear I fell alseep and stayed on the road for at least ten minutes.
Interstate 80 Iowa is another popular entry in this contest...even in the winter when there's no corn corn corn corn corn.Well, there's also I-80 across the salt flats in Utah. 45 miles without a single degree of turn!
Interstate 80 Iowa is another popular entry in this contest...even in the winter when there's no corn corn corn corn corn.
we finished the week by pulling the ASK-13 out. Matt gave us all rides. what a sweet flying glider! Incredibly powerful rudder allowed for at least a 30 degree slip angle. powerful airbrakes and very well harmonized controls, simple to coordinate.
Driving home tomorrow.
Great.. You'll get here just in time for the next cold snap. It's been warm for most of the past week, but should be returning to 'normal' on Sunday. Enjoy the warm west Texas sun while you can!
yea it hasnt actually been THAT warm down here. daytime highs have flirted with 70, but the overnight lows have been 20ish, or less. it doesnt start to get semi comfortably warm until 10 or 11, and then about 4 or 4:30 it starts to get chilly again. i never got to wear the shorts or sandals that i brought.