Touchdown! Greaser!
When VFR, after the run-up, we have always taxied to the runway hold-short line, switched to tower and declared "ready for takeoff".
But this IFR thing is kind of new to us and the last time we did this, they came back, "Stand by, waiting for release". Fortunately, there was no one behind us that was also ready for take off.
Is it proper procedure to make that call while still in the run-up area? That is what we did yesterday, but another plane moved to the hold-short line in front of us while we were waiting, and sat there for a good 5 minutes after we were cleared for take off. Then we had to wait again.
Thinking about another current thread, I could have gotten nasty with the offending pilot, but I just kept quiet and filed it under the gathering of experience.
But this IFR thing is kind of new to us and the last time we did this, they came back, "Stand by, waiting for release". Fortunately, there was no one behind us that was also ready for take off.
Is it proper procedure to make that call while still in the run-up area? That is what we did yesterday, but another plane moved to the hold-short line in front of us while we were waiting, and sat there for a good 5 minutes after we were cleared for take off. Then we had to wait again.
Thinking about another current thread, I could have gotten nasty with the offending pilot, but I just kept quiet and filed it under the gathering of experience.