[rant]Why can't we have[/rant]

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
...Tamales that are 90% meat and no more than 10% corn flour.

I hate tamales. I f***** hate tamales. I hate them because they are - at least the ones around here, are maize pastries with a tiny amount of pork flavored something that might be meat but there is so little of it in there that you wouldn't know. I might like tamales better if the P/M ratio was substantially better.

I like tacos. I love burritos. They aren't paleo but the M/S ratio is favorable.

PS this is a micro rant. I'm not saying how I really feel. If I said how I really feel, it would be a macro rant and I would probably be kicked off the board and relegated to applying tire dressing to a plethora of aircrafts sitting in a major airport in Tennessee.
Apparently it's normal for traditional pork tamales recipes to have a 2:1 by weight ratio of corn vs pork.

If you don't like it you can make your own recipe in whatever proportion you like. Skip the corn and make pork sausage.
You need to have a cheat day every now and then. If you do, just ride the bike to a farther Habit Burger and visit the girlz. It’s worth it for a good tamale.
Blues City Cafe… Beale St, Memphis.

That is all.
Homemade tamales, couple of fried eggs, chilaquiles, and a fresh hot coffee. Nom nom nom. A great Sunday breakfast.
I mean if you’re not describing a tamale by it’s filling, it’s not a tamale anyways.
...Tamales that are 90% meat and no more than 10% corn flour.

I hate tamales. I f***** hate tamales. I hate them because they are - at least the ones around here, are maize pastries with a tiny amount of pork flavored something that might be meat but there is so little of it in there that you wouldn't know. I might like tamales better if the P/M ratio was substantially better.

I like tacos. I love burritos. They aren't paleo but the M/S ratio is favorable.

PS this is a micro rant. I'm not saying how I really feel. If I said how I really feel, it would be a macro rant and I would probably be kicked off the board and relegated to applying tire dressing to a plethora of aircrafts sitting in a major airport in Tennessee.

Come around Casa vonVentucky next Christmas... sister in law as she puts it "100% beaner..." makes an awesome tamale... shredded pork or beef, your pick... need a knife and a fork to eat them and she doesn't spice the S*****t out of them either... she'll let you pick you own poison with that...