Strangely, I love the radio work. It's one of my favorite parts of flying. There's a cool factor involved with learning the lingo and being part of the intricate dance that is air traffic control.
Maybe your first step should be tackling it with a different perspective. You might remember, back when you were a kid, playing games where you emulated the radio work of some professions. Maybe you emulated cops talking from their squad car. Maybe you emulated military dudes, or pilots. I can remember my brother and I getting walkie-talkies and pretending we were big shots. "I've got a bogie at six o'clock, over."
Why do we do that as kids? Because it's frickin' awesome, that's why. So master the lingo and have a blast. And don't forget, the controllers speak English as well as pilot-ese. If all else fails, and it will fail early on, speak some English to get clarification or get your point across.
I think my radio work was well ahead of my flying for a good chunk of my training. Here are some additional tips: