Inject mass quantity of vodka into oranges. Leave the oranges in a place the raccoons can get to them. Watch the fun.
As long as you don't mess with their liquor, you should survive any encounter.
2) get a conibear trap, 5 gallon bucket and a can of tuna. Lay the bucket on it's side and cut notches at the 9 and 3 o'clock positions, open the tuna and put it in the back, set the trap and put each side in the notches. The coon will go in to get the tuna and then your problem is reduced by one. Just set it out late afternoon and keep going till you've cleaned them out.
Or a live trap (so you don't catch the neighbor's cat) and a trash can full of water.
That works, too, if you are able to do that in your neighborhood.Live trap and a Marlin 795 to pop them in the head. Then off to the woods for recycling.
I caught a couple of neighborhood cats, catch and release. One was dumb enough to get caught twice, but let him go because he had seven more in the nk.
In your attic? You had quite a colony living up there.Trapped out 7 raccoons and got 5 possum as well before the noises stopped.
Chinese restaurants would've paid a nice sum. Just saying.