It’s interesting
@deonb that your company has a hard time hiring women in tech.
I’ve been at three that hired way more than average, understanding that I’ve been at enough to have seen the average is fairly dismal.
How they did it, I don’t know. I wasn’t involved in hiring software devs at all three. I hire sysadmin, ops, telecom, and other specialties usually. Dev is not my thing.
We have a lady right now who I witnessed a laughable argument going on out back of the building the other day. Project Manager had taken young male and older but not 40 yet female devs out back to have a chat and see if he could cool them off.
Female was leaning against the back wall of the building in a clearly “not listening, don’t care at all” body language pose. Guy was whining that she had written half of his code for him and he didn’t have any pretty wireframes done yet to get the feel for the artistic side of his screens and modules. Sounded like his stuff was overdue so she got tired of waiting on him.
Also sounded like it meant that accidentally two different styles were used on 50% of the whole website. Not hard to fix in the era of CSS and what not. I suspect less than a day for him and an hour or two for her. Ha.
He was soooooooooo incredibly whiney. I was standing a ways away after taking a phone call outside, and eavesdropping and accidentally giggled at him. Poor guy.
The crusty Sysadmin with white hair was now laughing at him and he blurted out “It’s not funny!”
Anyway luckily for me, and not for them he wanted to whine more about the code so he ignored me as I made some hand wave gesture like “it’s not you” and acted like it was something on my phone. Ha.
I’ve honestly never heard anybody, let alone a male engineer whine so hard in my life. “I want to work as a teeeeeeam!” And “But now it doesn’t look the saaaaaame!”
Our female dev wasn’t reacting at all. Once in a while she’d say, “It works, doesn’t it?”
LOL. She wasn’t even annoyed. Just completely non phased by the guy and had done all of her work and half of his that day, before noon.
I’d take 100 more of her over the whining guy. But it’s not my department and the PM was standing there pretending to not take sides. I never asked him later if the children got over their spat. LOL.
One can only hope the young PM now knows to keep whining guy busy and away from his good coder. Not that he isn’t, but just it was clear she wanted to be left alone and anywhere but listening to him. Hahaha.
And to be clear. She’s not antisocial. I don’t have to talk to our Devs too often, but the cold stare she was giving the whiner wasn’t the usual interactions with her I’ve seen. Hahaha.
Clearly one of those folks I like to hire a few of in my teams. Give her a project, get everything and everyone out of her way, and let her code. Can’t have a team full of them, but they’re great for certain types of projects that regular coders would just curl up in a ball and stop on.