Questions About Making a Private Airstrip in MO

I thought about that too. It's just always been my dream to have an airstrip. I've already said I know it's not really practical. And eventually, I'm gonna build a plane in my barn, so I'd need the strip.

And really, if we all were trying to always do the most practical thing, I most of us wouldn't be in GA.

Yea, having an airstrip would be awesome. Just throwing out ideas.

Good luck, and we will need pictures when it's done!
One of my pals put a grass runway on his weekend farm and really had a blast with it. Bought himself little yellow Chief and flew out of it every chance he got.
Jim F, I wonder if you know any good real estate agents in the Salem area. We are executors of an estate with 150 acres with a grass airstrip and a T-hangar with a shop and apartment in Salem/Anutt area. It will probably be a year before the sale (complicated estate). We'd appreciate any advice you might have to forward to the trustees. Thanks, D3
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Jim F, I wonder if you know any good real estate agents in the Salem area. We are executors of an estate with 150 acres with a grass airstrip and a T-hangar with a shop and apartment in Salem/Anutt area. It will probably be a year before the sale (complicated estate). We'd appreciate any advice you might have to forward to the trustees. Thanks, D3
Sorry, I don't really know anything about that. My parents dealt with the agent and such for our property.

Is yours the one on the map as Domeyer? There's also one on Google Earth listed as Bubbling Springs, which I spotted first from 72.
That will only make matters worse. Leaves and small sticks will go through a 6 inch culvert but not chicken wire. Talk to a local contractor. Buy his time, the insight you gain will be worth it.

Agreed. An early lesson this college boy engineer learned from an experienced draftsman is that any culvert will eventually fill up, even if it is just sediment. No matter how small the calculations say the pipe can be, always use a pipe big enough that a human can crawl in and clean it out. Ok to use your own kid, but then you always have to keep one in the pipeline, so to speak, because they eventually outgrow the pipe.
I had much the same situation with my strip in Texas with a much longer 700 of 2400' on the slope pretty much the same. Made for great short work and I had a long flat descending flyway after for south wind takeoffs, but neither the AgCat nor MM had any troubles on it. Normally I'd be flying before the bottom of the hill.

As for the runway itself I did a lot of work moving rock around tHe property to build some elevation and crown as well as stabilize the clay in the rain. When the grass filled in I spread a bunch of truck loads, 9 IIRC (only $400 a piece) of Red River sand and finish brushed it with a fairway sweeper borrowed from the golf course. It made it an all weather runway and was fairway smooth which was kind of important to me.

Henning, was this strip near Cedar Mills? There are a few strips on the charts near there, that I have yet to identify from the air. It's not as if I've combed around looking for them, but when casually flying in the area I haven't found them.
Sorry, I don't really know anything about that. My parents dealt with the agent and such for our property.

Is yours the one on the map as Domeyer? There's also one on Google Earth listed as Bubbling Springs, which I spotted first from 72.

Yes, Domeyer. Its a lovely property. We were recently out there cleaning up. We just don't know what values might be. I have spoken to Moody RE since I posted, seems very nice. Always open to any advice I can gather though. Thanks, Jim F.
Put in a 15' X 15' concrete slab. Learn to fly a helicopter.
Here's what little I know, dated and not specific to MO.
Check with other grass strip operators about what turf to use. You don't want a bunch grass but rather something like blue grass. Also, get tips on crowning, drainage and rolling and critter control/repair.
I'd be a little leery of the several small culverts silting in and would wonder if one larger one would stay clear better. PVC will burn if you ever get a hot enough grass fire.
The FAA doesn't care if you have an airstrip unless it impinges on controlled airspace. Talk to them at Regional if you want to register it.
Prior to constructing an airport you are REQUIRED to notify them. They will issue a determination as to they think it's a good idea or not, but IMPINGING ON CONTROLLED AIRSPACE OR NOT you don't need their approval.

At the time you submit the form you can also specify if you want the information published and/or printed on the charts. That can be changed subsequently, but with a time delay (it seems I always have just missed the publication window so it takes about 100 days to get it done, and only then if your ADO representative doesn't SCREW IT UP like I've had happen twice).