Pre-takeoff checklist
Hi Guys,
Although I only just started my PPL training, I wanted to get some more info on Aerobatics as it is definitely a goal of mine after finishing PPL. Is this a difficult thing to get into as far as costs and availability of training? Do regulations make it difficult to get into aerobatic flying in any way? I am not really aware of how easy it is to find a school or a CFI who can train you in aerobatics. So what advice would you give me once I finish my PPL (hopefully in 6 months to year from now)? Is this a viable option for fun in aviation for a middle class guy? Are there any threats to it in the near future involving cost, regulation, etc? Thanks in advance!
Although I only just started my PPL training, I wanted to get some more info on Aerobatics as it is definitely a goal of mine after finishing PPL. Is this a difficult thing to get into as far as costs and availability of training? Do regulations make it difficult to get into aerobatic flying in any way? I am not really aware of how easy it is to find a school or a CFI who can train you in aerobatics. So what advice would you give me once I finish my PPL (hopefully in 6 months to year from now)? Is this a viable option for fun in aviation for a middle class guy? Are there any threats to it in the near future involving cost, regulation, etc? Thanks in advance!