This has been a fun thread, with a ton of drift... Just a comment or three...
Early sailors, at least the more alert among them like the Captains, knew (at least in their gut) that the world was round because they could see the ships sailing away from them sinking over the edge of the ball - like sighting at a fly walking over a cannon ball which had to be a common experience - the hull sinking lower and lower and disappearing as it went away while the rigging stayed the same relative height above the deck - thus they knew it was not a trick of perspective of just getting smaller with distance...
Sail ho, came the cry from aloft, with the sailor pointing the direction to the enemy ship...
The captain looking up would call, how far?
Hull down, would come the reply, meaning that the hull could not be seen over the curvature of the ocean only the masts and rigging being visible...
Knowing that the captain could readily estimate the distance and decide if he should run or get ready to fight...
Not only is the world round, it is VERY round...
Lets say you are treading water with your eye 1 foot above the water - the horizon is just 2.3 miles away!
Jeez, most of the local lakes are farther across than that...
When watching small boat races on the Great Lakes in calm conditions I have often had the interesting sight of a sailor standing in a 14 foot boat with 6 inches of freeboard, appearing to be standing on nothing and cut off at the knees by the curvature of the water, while the rest of him is sharp and clearly in view - I can see the creases in his jacket with my binoculars...
OK, lets discuss "the center of the universe"... Of course, I am at the center of the universe - psychologically at least... But the physicists who believe in a closed universe also agree with me - I AM at the center of the universe... The reason is that in a closed universe all distant points are equally distant from each other... So, the person, say 14 Billion light years away from me, who is located right at the edge of the universe from my perspective looks out and sees the universe stretching out from him, 14 Billion light years in every direction, i.e. HE is at the center of the universe, not me, and I am way over here at the edge...
Now, I know that the closed universe theory is wrong and I know that the Big Bang Theory is wrong...
What!, you say throwing down your standard textbook on Cosmology in exasperation... What are you talking about, they teach those two subjects every day at every university worthy of the name...
Of course they do, I reply calmly...
Well why in tarnation would they do that if those theories are, as you claim, wrong?
Because they don't know how the universe actually works and they have to teach something or we can't even have a beginning discussion about the universe if we don't start at some common point... Tis better to teach a wrong theory than to have no theory to talk about...