Nate, I just read this and you really made me realize that I am in the same place, wondering why I have been feeling down and grumpy. I shared your writeup with my wife as well, she has yet to see it but I'm sure it will explain to her why I have been "off" lately. I guess we both thought that after a few weeks we'd be moving on, but then again there's still a missing link in our family that has been there longer than the two boys (now 5th and 3rd graders). Our youngest son started tearing up last night after dinner, and wouldn't tell us what was wrong. He had baseball tryouts last evening and we thought maybe he was upset about that. Asked several times, and he didn't answer. Finally it hit me, and said "is it Chelsea is gone?" and he just nodded and cried again. We all did a little. Guess this grief thing has a ways to go still. Your comments made me believe that yes, it will still be some time before the memory of her will only bring a smile, for now there's the void to go along with it.
Thanks again for sharing,