Provoked DVT.


G. Johnson

Looking for advice regarding process moving forward. Had a dvt in leg due to car door slam. Was on a SI. DVT resolved, hyper coagulable panel and hemotologist report provided to Oak City. In December, received 2nd class from FAA stating if any changes, I was to notify AME. Renewed in Jun based upon expiry. FAA sent letter today stating they are unable to establish eligibility and asking for my current prognosis, treatment plan, tests etc. The same info I sent previously, which they used to finally issue the clean 2nd class in Dec 2020. I am at a loss and more than livid at the apparent ineptitude being displayed. Any advice appreciated.
Are you still on Eliquis, or any med for the condition?
Or, have you confirmed that the FAA actually got you June 2021 data onto system? They lose a LOT of submissions an I keep track!
Sometimes even if they read it, they don't process. I had to point out that the first line of the physician's letter they had said exactly what they were asking for in on of my inquiries.
Fortunately the RFS was instrumental in cutting the time required to make that observation to the reviewing doctor.
Are you still on Eliquis, or any med for the condition?
Or, have you confirmed that the FAA actually got you June 2021 data onto system? They lose a LOT of submissions an I keep track!
No longer on any medication and the system has my June 2021 medical certificate entered. Verified by a good friend who is a FAA Safety Inspector. I'm at a loss.
No longer on any medication and the system has my June 2021 medical certificate entered. Verified by a good friend who is a FAA Safety Inspector. I'm at a loss.
The strange part in this is that Oak City issued the "clean" medical last December, but now for the renewal they cant establish eligibility? The paperwork they used to issue that medical indicated: No DVT, (ultrasound confirmed) no abnormal or increased risk of clotting (normal hyper-coagulable blood panel), removal from Eliquis, statements from both my GP and Hemotolgist indicating no continued treatment necessary due to full resolution of injury. The paperwork was clearly sufficient to issue back in December but not now? Now they want more testing to prove what has been previously proven. This is crazy... Where does it stop? I, like most others here, need my medical for work. Wish there was some recourse to hold the incompetent accountable potentially saving others from dealing with the same incompetence, but clearly I'm dreaming at this point.
No longer on any medication and the system has my June 2021 medical certificate entered. Verified by a good friend who is a FAA Safety Inspector. I'm at a loss.

It seems to me the simplest route is to send them the previous information with a letter stating the facts...previously submitted, second class medical issued, etc. You probably could have done that in less time than it took to post here on PoA. :rolleyes:
It seems to me the simplest route is to send them the previous information with a letter stating the facts...previously submitted, second class medical issued, etc. You probably could have done that in less time than it took to post here on PoA. :rolleyes:

Nope. That doesn't work. Ask me how I know. (I actually posted about it in here, along with the letter that DID finally get them to pull their head out of their ass.)
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