Prop balance recommendation in Houston area?


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PoA Supporter
Feb 17, 2010
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Can anyone recommend a shop to do dynamic prop balancing in the Houston area (where I'm based), or somewhere in the southeast or central Texas area?

I had my prop balanced a few years ago at 52F outside of Dallas, and could do that again (if they're still there), but would like to find someplace closer, if possible.
There is a guy at KLBX that was a crewman for one of the Reno unlimited racers that has the toys and does prop balancing for a lot of experimentals. I know he has the gear and the knowledge to do the job right but don't know if he's qualified to do that on a certified aircraft. If I see him at the hanger this weekend I will ask and will PM you if he says yes

Many thanks! I hop over to LBX pretty frequently for a bite at the on-field restaurant (Runway Cafe), so I'm very familiar with the field. That would be quite convenient for me.