Line Up and Wait
Is it recommended to have an abbreviated Preflight when making a stop for fuel, food, stretching your legs, etc?
Months ago, I had gone on a dual XC with one of my instructors to a class D airspace. We stopped in the FBO, he showed me around, and the FBO allowed us to go into the hangar and check out a couple of the planes sitting back there. We were there for about 30 minutes.
When we departed, we did not do walk around the plane. We checked the fuel, flight surface check,started up, taxied to the RWY hold, did our run up, and then departed. I was under the impression that a preflight is a preflight(before any flight). Am I wrong here?
Months ago, I had gone on a dual XC with one of my instructors to a class D airspace. We stopped in the FBO, he showed me around, and the FBO allowed us to go into the hangar and check out a couple of the planes sitting back there. We were there for about 30 minutes.
When we departed, we did not do walk around the plane. We checked the fuel, flight surface check,started up, taxied to the RWY hold, did our run up, and then departed. I was under the impression that a preflight is a preflight(before any flight). Am I wrong here?