Touchdown! Greaser!
You start on fire and burn a painful death.Machfly said:Only on the first flight. Say if something did crack in the exhaust what's the worst that can happen? I
You start on fire and burn a painful death.Machfly said:Only on the first flight. Say if something did crack in the exhaust what's the worst that can happen? I
You start on fire and burn a painful death.
Video said Private when I tried to watch it.
I saw 182kts Groundspeed last weekend in the Skyhawk. I asked my wife to snap a photo of it and she proceeded to take our her cellphone. By the time I proceeded to instruct on iPad screenshots (she had no idea what I was referring to) the ride was over and I was my point of pre-landing checklist. A little LLWS had me busy navigating, looking for the airport at night, talking to ATC and running the checklist. Didn't get the screenshot.I
Staying low to take advantage of the low level tailwind Westbound (almost unheard of around here...) I got 155 knots groundspeed in the Skylane. Wheeeee! Not a common sight on the iPad!
You start on fire and burn a painful death.
I saw 182kts Groundspeed last weekend in the Skyhawk. I asked my wife to snap a photo of it and she proceeded to take our her cellphone. By the time I proceeded to instruct on iPad screenshots (she had no idea what I was referring to) the ride was over and I was my point of pre-landing checklist. A little LLWS had me busy navigating, looking for the airport at night, talking to ATC and running the checklist. Didn't get the screenshot.
Tailwinds are GREAT...
I flew with the FBO's son in his new 182T, fixed gear to OSH this summer. Other then the first 15 minutes or so it took us to get to 17,500 we had a ground speed of 200 mph or more, the whole 5.4 hours it took to get to OSH.. TIT was 1625 and FF stays right at 12.3 -12.5 GPH... It was a sweet ride to paradise for sure... If I had extra cash I would by one in a minute.. First thing I need though is a hangar at Haas International,2WY3...:wink2:
I'm a helicopter crew chief, and we do what is called a through-flight between flights on the same day.
Preflight before first flight of the day
Through-flight between flights on the same day
Postflight after last flight of the day
Of course, these are all spelled out in the flight manual, while most GA manuals just have a preflight.
Personally, I'd double check fuel, check the oil, and check for obvious damage, such as something having run into the plane while parked.
200MPH in a 182T is not uncommon. As I understand max cruise is in the 180kt range (???). Convert knots to MPH and there ya go...