I was talking to a co-worker about spar web inspections in his C33A, since he asked about the ERAU Arrow wing failure, and based on his statements on the reality of those inspections (specifically, the history of it and how its treated in the community at large) I came away from the conversation with the reinforced conviction that we all live in the grey. The PA-24 gear AD is another one that lives dead smack in the see no evil hear no evil realm in real world practice. Most of our cans are pencil whipped to some degree. It's almost like the inevitability of breaking traffic laws every day. It only becomes a source of banter when it comes to trading the airplane. Once in new hands, things revert back to the same economics. Otherwise, every airplane bought would be re-sold as a cherry, yet the market clearly debunks that flat on its face. We're either hypocrites, or liars, because honesty on this topic gets you flamed.