While practicing approaches to rwy 4 at GVL last Sunday, winds favored rwy 11. My safety pilot suggested trying a circle-to-land, because it's just a short side-step and we're easily on right base to 11. I declined for a few reasons:
1) I was stinking up the joint on GPS and wanted to do more approaches
2) Not excited about making right base into traffic, even with a safety pilot
3) Looking at the ground at MDA, it sure is low!
So, I'm wondering how often you guys practice real circle-to-lands.
1) I was stinking up the joint on GPS and wanted to do more approaches
2) Not excited about making right base into traffic, even with a safety pilot
3) Looking at the ground at MDA, it sure is low!
So, I'm wondering how often you guys practice real circle-to-lands.