Possibly reported for VFR on Top

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First off, keep your private information exactly that private so people aren’t calling you.

If someone calls and you don’t know the number, don’t answer it. It’s likely either a scam call, sales call or an a*hole. Let them leave a msg then you decide what to do.

Only yourself can get you in trouble by saying something legally incorrect, such as VFR-on-top which means you were flying IFR without IFR clearance. Just keep quiet and you’ll be fine.

From the perspective on what happened, fly the plane following the regs the best you can. If that guy is complaining he is IMC and you are VFR, just tell ATC “traffic in sight, perhaps you need to go to your AME to get your vision checked”. :D

I had a few a*holes call me out, while doing emergency descents training over an airport to land, they said I was going the wrong direction at an uncontrolled field. Whatever, what a d*%^. Also altitudes, speeds, etc. Never about the clouds, if anything I had to deviate due to weather several times I’m not trying to play around with the clouds, unsure who is when it’s easy to do a pop up IFR but whatever. One time I got called out for not climbing as I was waiting for a pocket to climb, I had a door pop open in flight and cloud layer to avoid, I said maintaining VFR conditions. Anyway you cannot please everyone, just keep it to yourself and tell everyone else to get lost, and my instructor said if you are ever questioned just say “minimums” and leave it at that.

Good luck! And VFR over the top is great, why would you say you aren’t doing that again? Because of one a*hole?!? And jets on en-route climb first are in radar contact with ATC and they should see everything adsb or not and vector them around. Jets also have TCAS that would pick you up. Double whammy to avoid an issue. If you have FF with adsb-in then that’s a triple protection for you.
You are fine. I fly IFR flight plans and get vectored around "VFR" traffic several time a year where there is ZERO chance that that traffic could possibly be legal VFR. Mostly this is the case when flying at altitudes in broken to overcast conditions where it is impossible to maintain VFR cloud clearances.

You did nothing wrong and I see pilots violating the regs several times each year - don't worry about it.
Another case of no respect for the lowly FR pilot,how dare ATC vector an IFR pilot around a vfr flight. Ask to see the pictures.
I fly IFR flight plans and get vectored around "VFR" traffic several time a year where there is ZERO chance that that traffic could possibly be legal VFR. Mostly this is the case when flying at altitudes in broken to overcast conditions where it is impossible to maintain VFR cloud clearances.

I don’t doubt that’s what was probably happening. But a zero chance that it was legal vfr? Isn’t there more than a zero chance of a pilot failing to adjust the altimeter setting before takeoff, or flying with a bug in the pitot tube, etc?
I don’t doubt that’s what was probably happening. But a zero chance that it was legal vfr? Isn’t there more than a zero chance of a pilot failing to adjust the altimeter setting before takeoff, or flying with a bug in the pitot tube, etc?
I thought altimeter readings were not affected by the pitot tube.
Dude, I would have zero ducks to give about this. If you did get a call, “I was VFR, now go poop in your hat.” Guy that called you is the Douche Barron.
I wonder how many of you would be crying, why didn’t someone say something if one of these not legal VFR aircraft caused the loss of a commercial transport with your family on board.
Youtubers fairly often have FAA calling them from A-holes that watch the videos and see some little infraction. One was the pilot said, "clear of the active" 10 ft before the line and a hater reported him to the FAA. One guy got reported 3 times from a hater.

Don't do the NASA because you didn't do anything wrong. NASA isn't for reporting something someone else thought.

If you were reported, they may call you and ask for your version. Most I've heard, the FAA person will say "you were reported so I have to call", but it's always a friendly conversation with no outcome.

ATC radar can't see clouds so they are not going to know one way or the other.

Don't worry a minute about this.
Do nothing. Forget it.

The other guy was most likely just inexperienced and was caught off guard when he was vectored around an aircraft he couldn't see.

Determining inflight visibility is a PIC responsibility and if you were legal, that ends any conversation regarding what happened.
You were legal. Other pilot might have had clouds where he was but if you didn’t you were legal
If you were reported, they may call you and ask for your version. Most I've heard, the FAA person will say "you were reported so I have to call", but it's always a friendly conversation with no outcome.


A few years ago, I was reported by a CFI who said I landed too close behind him. He was actually exiting at the far end of a 4500-foot runway when I touched down. FSDO safety guy listened to my side and sighed... said the other guy didn't mention the part about his student being on the wrong frequency. Once I assured him I was very familiar with operations at uncontrolled field, he said he was required to follow up, and not to worry about it.
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