• Perform normal pre-flight and run-up in accordance with engine operator’s manual (remember: only cycle prop to a 100 RPM drop if you have a controllable pitch propeller). Keep ground runs to a minimum.
• Conduct normal take-off at full power, full rich mixture, to a safe altitude. • Maintain a shallow climb at full power. Use caution to avoid overheating the cylinders. Should overheating occur, reduce power and adjust mixture appropriately. Refer to Pilot’s Operating Handbook for specific procedures and temperatures including leaning to a fuel flow meter or leaning without EGT or fuel flow meters.
• Monitor RPM, oil pressure, oil temperature & cylinder temperature.
• During the first hour of operation, maintain level flight at 75% power. Vary the power setting every 15 minutes during the second hour between 65-75%.
• Avoid long descents at cruise RPM and low manifold pressure (could cause ring flutter).
• After landing, check again for any fuel and/or oil leaks, or other discrepancies, and repair.
• Continue flying at 65-75% power with mixture adjusted to approximately 75°F rich of peak EGT on subsequent flights until rings have seated, oil consumption stabilizes, and cylinder head temperatures drop. This is a sign that the cylinders are broken in. Refer to Pilots Operating Handbook for leaning with fuel a flow meter or leaning without fuel flow or EGT meters.
• After break-in, oil may be changed to ashless dispersent of the proper grade.
• At no time should cylinder head temperature be allowed to exceed original airframe equipment manufacturer recommended maximum cruise limit.