Most of the past 45 years I've stayed with rentals
But during that time, every FBO was a dealer for someone and had ramps loaded to the gills with available aircraft (and new stuff with single and double digit time on the tach) --- all available to rent
[[ of course, in the 60's car dealers did that too with their cars -- rent 'em ]]
NOW, almost all FBOs seem to deal with students, or high priced transients, so normal renters are 5th priority (behind the students, maintenance, transients, FBO staff), so planes are frequent NOT available, regardless of how far in advance they are reserved (What, you didn't arrange for a rental within the past 10 minutes? -- doing so was NORMAL 30-40 years ago).
And clubs are super hassle with meetings and biANNUAL (not biennial) BFRs (like you would crash if you didn't prove yourself every 6 months) and prices are reduced only 10%. But, aircraft ARE usually available.
But, if you can get at least 2 partners, co-ownership is probably reasonable and the best alternative if everyone can agree on equipment, scheduling, basing, and general trivial pursuits of ownership.