I have plenty of time in 172.. even recently.
@RudyP had the pleasure of flying in one with me just a couple weeks ago. BUT, I don't feel bad dumping on it. Outside of having two doors the plane has zero redeeming qualities (not true about the 182). It's sad to me that most people's first flying experience is on one, and many will never get to fly anything else. Grievances:
*trim wheel up front and totally out of the way of the pilot, this means that you have to be constantly moving forward and backward in your seat to adjust it, each time slightly changing your CG so you never quite get the trim right
*no rudder trim.. get a good leg cramp going, or fly uncoordinated. I know some have rudder trim, I've yet to fly on one that actually does something useful.. pretty sure it's just attached to a 50 year old stretched rubber band
*God knows how much fuel you actually have in either tank.. is that left tank showing 3 gallons while the right shows 30? Switch the tank and fly on the other for an hour.. now you suddenly have MORE fuel in that tank? wtf?
*vernier knobs for throttles
*rip your skin off turning on the defroster
*air vents that fall out
*a nose wheel that is -sort of- attached to the rudder pedals
*a nose wheel that loves to shimmy to death
*why should you be able to strain the nose fuel sump alone?
*YAY, 13 fuel sumps!!
*pathetic visibility.. constantly leaning forward to look for traffic, and hope you guessed your base to final turn right
*smash your head into the wings
*am I the only who who's vision is distorted looking out the front window?
*the yoke feels dinky.. don't break it off!
*have a cool 180 conversion? Nice! Enjoy the ghetto piece of metal screwed to the panel so you can't put flaps past 30
*pathetic looking vacuum gauge
*I hope you like turbulence
*enjoy the "I'm a student!" look you get on any ramp you fly into
*strut missing that piece of sandpaper? I hope you brought a ladder to mount the plane and check the fuel
*enjoy sucking on the stall horn
*did the door shut right? Did that top pin go all the way in? Slam it a little harder just to be sure
*oh, your baggage door handle ripped off? Or it is just permanently bent?
*did it snow last night? Plane is probably sitting on its ass
*is your seat locked?