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    • will44s
      will44s replied to the thread Garmin G3X RS232 Question.
      I'm not a garmin expert but I think the Mapmx to the g5 only provides gps data and not navigation data. This is a substitute to not...
    • will44s
      will44s replied to the thread Garmin G3X RS232 Question.
      The lack of Mapmx may not be your problem, if the order of Nav sources in the g3 isn't configured right it will present the same problem.
    • will44s
      will44s replied to the thread Garmin G3X RS232 Question.
      The install manual shows a single mapmx serial from the navigator being split to the g5 and g3x like this. If the mapmx input format...
      • like this.png
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