POA Inside Jokes, Abbreviations, and Obscure References - a Guide for New Members


Pattern Altitude
Apr 11, 2007
Houston, TX
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PJ Gustafson
So, it occurred to me that with all of the new members we now have, there are several people who may not understand many of the references, abbreviations, and inside jokes that we use here. So, I'm starting this thread so that the new members may read and educate themselves instead of having to figure it out on their own. So, here goes, feel free to reply with others that you can think of.

Note to the MC - If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it.

MC - Management Council - the group of forum members who keep us from flying off the handle too far. These people all have "POA Management" or something similar near their avatar.

The Red Board - the AOPA Forums, from whence many of the members came. This board was formerly known as "The Yellow Board", then that one was taken down by AOPA. Before they could put the Red Board up, POA was created.

The Blue Board - Pilots of America, the very best aviation forum community on the net. We're all a family here, and we all want to help each other out as best we can, although we have our differences at times.

The Purple Board - www.purpleboard.net - another aviation forum community, started by some members of the Blue Board and the Red Board who are looking for a slightly different moderation style. This is not to be seen as a competitor to the Blue Board, merely a different place to hang out. Think about it as two hangars next to each other at the airport, each with a hangar party. Nothing says you can't go from one to the other and back.

Gaston's - Though not exclusive to POAers, this is the biggest POA fly-in gathering of the year, usually the first or second weekend of June. Takes place at Gaston's White River Resort in NW Arkansas (3M0). See www.gastonsflyin.com for more info and to drool over the awesome pictures.

Wings - Wings Field near Philly... site of the FlyBQ, another POA Fly-In Gathering

6Y9er - Site of another POA Fly-In Gathering in Michigan. This airport was closed for several years, but was brought back to life by Ed and Brad Frederick, two of POA's finest.

YMMV - "Your Mileage May Vary" - way of saying, "This is what happened for me, but your experience may differ."

Spin - short for Spin Zone - no-holds-barred area of the forum, ignored by many, but a regular hang-out for some. You're pretty much guaranteed to be offended by something you read here. Most of these conversations have a political slant.

PM - Private Message - like sending an email through the forum.

POA Friends List - new feature that came with the new version of the forum software... I don't think anyone's quite figured out the purpose of this yet.

That's all I have for now off the top of my head, and I have to prepare for a meeting. So, if I think of any more, I'll post later. If you think of any more, please post now.
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The Red Board - the AOPA Forums, from whence many of the members came. As I understand it, this forum (see The Blue Board) was started when enough people got fed up with the AOPA moderation policies and other members. I wasn't there, so I don't know for sure.

Actually the blue board aka PoA predates the Red Board. PoA got started when the first AOPA forums went offline. The blue board was started and when AOPA started their new and improved forums that was in the form of the red board.
Gaston's - The biggest POA fly-in gathering of the year, usually the first or second weekend of June. Takes place at Gaston's White River Resort in NW Arkansas (3M0).

I thought I'd mention again that the Gaston's fly-in isn't a PoA fly-in. It's a fly-in that a lot of PoA people attend. :)
6Y9 was brought back from death due to inactivity by Ed and Brad Frederick, both active on PoA.

Actually the blue board aka PoA predates the Red Board. PoA got started when the first AOPA forums went offline. The blue board was started and when AOPA started their new and improved forums that was in the form of the red board.

I thought I'd mention again that the Gaston's fly-in isn't a PoA fly-in. It's a fly-in that a lot of PoA people attend. :)

Fixed all of the above, with big apologies to Diana - You've mentioned several times that Gaston's is not specifically for POA, and I simply forgot. I hope the new description is more accurate. If you would like me to alter it in any other way, please let me know.

Two POAers walk into a bar....

...and the third one ducked! Ba-dum-cha! Thank you, I'm here all week! Try the veal! :D:cheerswine:
Cats -
Treadmill - I'll leave the definition to others.
Rosie O'donnell - source of great glee for one of our members, and lightning bolts from another
Cats - The animal companion of choice for the cooler and more liked members of PoA

Treadmill - Stops airplanes from taking off or maybe not, we really can't decide. Well most of us can but there are still a few, probably dog owners as well, who can't get it into their heads. ;)

Rosie O'donnell - Love interest of only one PoAer
POA Friends List - new feature that came with the new version of the forum software... I don't think anyone's quite figured out the purpose of this yet.

I turned mine off. It's kind of like the people who give speeches at awards ceremonies and thank like 50 people... then forget one.

I'd rather just say you are all my friends, and now no one is left out.
How do you make a cat sound like a dog?

Soak it in gasoline, light it, and it goes wooof.

How do you make a dog sound like a cat?

Freeze it in liquid nitrogen, take a band saw to it, and it goes mrrrowweerrr.
AMU - Aviation Monetary Unit: A way for pilots to disguise the true cost of ownership, operation, and training. 1 AMU = $1 x 103
ex. My last annual cost me 4 AMUs.
I thought, and I could be worng, that AMUs were $1 x 102?

Tend to agree with you but others seem to think $1000. Seems as though every time I need something for the plane it's $100. Since an AMU is an Aviation Monetary Unit, the definition implies what's the minumum amount that is required for a purchase. I'll vote for $100.

ATITAPA - said by n00bs, directly in the face of the AIM.
Tend to agree with you but others seem to think $1000. Seems as though every time I need something for the plane it's $100. Since an AMU is an Aviation Monetary Unit, the definition implies what's the minumum amount that is required for a purchase. I'll vote for $100.

In the "old days" (like, 5 whole YEARS ago!), an AMU was defined by the cost of an hour of dual in a 172. Back then, it was $100. Now, not so much. :(

Then, there's the *other* AMU: The Aviation Maintenance Unit, which is in fact $1000. Somewhere along the line, someone confused 'em. I don't know how. :dunno: :goofy:

ATITAPA - said by n00bs, directly in the face of the AIM.

And, since this is a guide for the new folks... ATITAPA = "Any traffic in the area, please advise." To which our humble (hah!) EdFred *advises* you read the AIM, section 4-1-9(g)(1).
Another thing is all the people that still have iSomething as their display name (upper left corner of posts). I can't remember exactly how it started, but it was after yet another Apple vs. the world argument. I think EdFred had something to do with it. Anyway, pretty much everyone had an iName for a while, and iStillDo. Some of them are/were pretty creative.
Oh, and let's not forget the ConUS Challenge, AKA Go Fly America http://goflyamerica.org/

It's an effort started by our own Nick Brennan (SkyHog) and Chip Gibbons (gibbons) to have one of us (or whoever else) land at every single public-use airport in the continental US, and report on what's there and why you might want to fly there (or not). If you haven't seen it, or signed up, or claimed any airports, get crackin'! I have found some REALLY neat airports that I never would have known about were it not for the challenge, so I must say I'm a big fan. :yes:
Actually the blue board aka PoA predates the Red Board. PoA got started when the first AOPA forums went offline. The blue board was started and when AOPA started their new and improved forums that was in the form of the red board.

Chuck started the Blue Board while the yellow board was alive and well and being trolled and spurt censored ta death.

We actually offered to AOPA to update and manage the board but they decided they could hire personnel and install VBulletin on their own.

It was 4-8 months later that the red board was born.
Don't forget about Hayden, the garden troll who hops a ride whenever possible around the country. I believe he has been taped and glued extensively, but continues his rounds. I have never seen him personally, so all this is an act of faith. Where is Hayden now? Haven't seen a recent photo.
Don't forget about Hayden, the garden troll who hops a ride whenever possible around the country. I believe he has been taped and glued extensively, but continues his rounds. I have never seen him personally, so all this is an act of faith. Where is Hayden now? Haven't seen a recent photo.

He's in Texas, in the back of somebody's airplane... I kind of hope he gets discovered soon!
Hayden is not going to OSH, unless someone who is going there has him stow-away.

Hayden almost went sky-diving without benefit of a parachute...
yea we shouldve taken hayden to the dam for rocket fuel margaritas.
I don't know how he got stuck with that moniker, but Jason was a brand new pilot who thought he knew everything and wouldn't take advice from anyone. Managed to irritate a whole bunch of people.

He was a dot com millionaire who was on the fast track to get all his ratings and start flying for a profession. Wanted to work for a helicopter outfit. Had quite a few "stories" about his flying adventures that made a lot of us wonder if he would survive.

He also wrote the thing about what to do and not to do as far as leasebacks go. That was a very good piece, BTW.
I don't know how he got stuck with that moniker, but Jason was a brand new pilot who thought he knew everything and wouldn't take advice from anyone. Managed to irritate a whole bunch of people.

He was a dot com millionaire who was on the fast track to get all his ratings and start flying for a profession. Wanted to work for a helicopter outfit. Had quite a few "stories" about his flying adventures that made a lot of us wonder if he would survive.

He also wrote the thing about what to do and not to do as far as leasebacks go. That was a very good piece, BTW.

He got stuck with that moniker by Bruce, IIRC. I seem to recall that it was after he described how he flew a plane with known defective equipment from one airport (with service facilities) back to Addison. I also seem to recall that he also described how he would never fly a plane that didn't have GPS (so why bother with all that other stuff), and the he was uncomfortable flying from an airport - even in a 172 - that was less than something like 5000' runway.

HAving said that, he also showed significantly more maturity in later appearances on the board, and he did produce - as you note - an outstanding piece on leasbacks.
Lady Mailbu.... (got Ron to post a picture of his legs)