POA Holiday

Somehow I'd missed this thread. Bruce is one of a kind. I am proud to call him a friend.

Who among us doesn't get a little bent out of shape when the various threads move into OUR areas of expertise, and people pontificate on that of which they know little other than what Google taught them 30 seconds earlier?

I understand his reaction. I've had it before, several times on this board (and came back each time), and a couple times on the red board (been gone for years).

We can only hope that Bruce will miss our friendship and witty repartee and c'mon back home.
Well-said, Ken. I'd agree, and I've taken my PoA breaks because of the latest 100-hour-wonder and the folks who think the know all their is to know about engines because they read an article by Mike Busch.

Bruce has taken vacations from here before and has always returned. Hopefully he will make the decision to return again.
because of the latest 100-hour-wonder and the folks who think the know all their is to know about engines because they read an article by Mike Busch.

But they read it on the Internet...it MUST be true!

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Okay I'm going to play devil's advocate. Dr. Bruce, I concur with the others that your medical knowledge and FAA insight is invaluable.


you are an arrogant SOB. The only more arrogant class of people than pilots are doctors. And you are both.

I had the pleasure of dinner with Bruce once, a sober one since we were flying out. Bruce related a story about heading north around a Pacific cyclone ferrying an Admiral back to the States from Japan. The story ends up with a 4 engine turbo prop nearly driven into the ocean by icing and headwinds. Being a sailor I had just one question, "why didn't you run south side of the storm in a drier tailwind?" when I asked that I could see it click in his brain that just accepting the standard routing was the error that got them there. That is not a mark of arrogance.
I had the pleasure of dinner with Bruce once, a sober one since we were flying out. Bruce related a story about heading north around a Pacific cyclone ferrying an Admiral back to the States from Japan. The story ends up with a 4 engine turbo prop nearly driven into the ocean by icing and headwinds. Being a sailor I had just one question, "why didn't you run south side of the storm in a drier tailwind?" when I asked that I could see it click in his brain that just accepting the standard routing was the error that got them there. That is not a mark of arrogance.

The better part of the story is the new pilot having to the tell the Admiral they might have to ditch . . . I can see that in my minds eye. . . .
To All the posts previous,

I'm rarely on this web board. To see the posts and threads of people who challenge and criticize experience is sad. Dr. B was my doctor in private medicine and I only found about his aviation knowledge later as I tried to get my son in aviation. And now myself. He is the only person I know to ask anything. I have no leader or family to guide me in thier experiences. He always helps me if I ask for help. Why are people so self centered, vicious, and live to attack? To say he is arrogant and wrong...look in the mirror. Everyone has the answer....so go it alone. I'm thankful I have his email and don't even like to use it. I wish I had the help of anyone willing to give me knowledge in this process of wanting to be a pilot.
So he is being faulted, not for being wrong, but being arrogant? There is a vast difference between arrogance and confidence. Would you want a Dr. who was not sure of what they knew? The forum has lost a valuable resource that I hope I never need.
So he is being faulted, not for being wrong, but being arrogant? There is a vast difference between arrogance and confidence. Would you want a Dr. who was not sure of what they knew? The forum has lost a valuable resource that I hope I never need.

I wouldn't but apparently others do. Read the posts...they challenge both.
So he is being faulted, not for being wrong, but being arrogant? There is a vast difference between arrogance and confidence. Would you want a Dr. who was not sure of what they knew? The forum has lost a valuable resource that I hope I never need.

Just to be clear, I did call Dr. Bruce arrogant, yes, based on his responses to some of the posters in some of the threads, not necessarily of a medical nature. But I've never questioned his medical or technical knowledge, nor have I ever argued his value as an asset to POA.
Just to be clear, I did call Dr. Bruce arrogant, yes, based on his responses to some of the posters in some of the threads, not necessarily of a medical nature. But I've never questioned his medical or technical knowledge, nor have I ever argued his value as an asset to POA.

It wasn't meant to be a shot at you. Just an observation that confidence, especially in written form, can often be misinterpreted. It is possible that people who are in the position of deflecting ignorant statements on a regular basis, may lose their ability to suffer fools easily.
It wasn't meant to be a shot at you. Just an observation that confidence, especially in written form, can often be misinterpreted. It is possible that people who are in the position of deflecting ignorant statements on a regular basis, may lose their ability to suffer fools easily.

Not taken as such - just trying to clear it up for the benefit of others.
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.