Cleared for Takeoff
I was reading one of the on line news stories (can't remember which one) but they quoted this female passenger (Dalton, Dunlop???) that said she thought the cabin attendants did a lousy job by basically tossing them out of the plane into the weather and leaving them there (wish I could find the story for her exact quote).
As I read that I thought, Gee lady, maybe next time they'll leave your sorry, ungrateful a$$ on the plane so your friggen clothes don't get wet.
I hope she comes to realize that these people saved her life. And the next time I get on a commerical plane and I'm trying to listen to the attendants give their briefing (yes, I listen EVERY time and I read the card too) and the jerkoffs around me are yapping away, I'm gonna stand up and yell at them to shut the f*&^ up and listen, because if this planes crashes I want a fighting chance to get out alive, and not be stuck behind their panicing, confused, clueless behinds which are blocking my way out.
As I read that I thought, Gee lady, maybe next time they'll leave your sorry, ungrateful a$$ on the plane so your friggen clothes don't get wet.
I hope she comes to realize that these people saved her life. And the next time I get on a commerical plane and I'm trying to listen to the attendants give their briefing (yes, I listen EVERY time and I read the card too) and the jerkoffs around me are yapping away, I'm gonna stand up and yell at them to shut the f*&^ up and listen, because if this planes crashes I want a fighting chance to get out alive, and not be stuck behind their panicing, confused, clueless behinds which are blocking my way out.