Flap switch gets a little sticky currently on 708SC when extending flaps. Hope they fix that soon. First lap around the pattern SOLO, start setting up the landing phase abeam the numbers. Slow to 75 knots, deploy flaps to about 10*. Drop the nose a little to maintain 70knts. Whoa, all the sudden just feel things slowing way down! Drop the nose, give it power, and check the flaps are all the way down, bring them back up, and start over. Extended my downwind a bit, payed A LOT more attention to the toggle switch, and made a nice landing.
Ok, I gotta ask, "Why did you bring the flaps up again once fully deployed?" Were you several miles out? Were you gliding?
It wasn't a very good decision and here's why: If you suspect a system has failed in a mode that you will need shortly, you don't mess with it. You land and tell maintenance your suspicion. By messing with it away from the terminal position you introduce risk that you will not be able to get it back.
As it is now it's flaps in a DA 20, no big deal, but if you transfer this thought process into complex planes you can end up on the wrong side of the gear doors.
If you just wanted more speed, just add more throttle; same as with crosswind, if you need more authority you do not reduce flaps you increase power. you will be able to fly the plane most accurately at any speed within the prescribed arcs will be with maximum flaps allowable. I was taught to fly the 500 and 600 gallon series AT planes rolling flaps full in and out in every turn. You had to have the grip with the switch, toggle blows. Remember, full flaps for maximum control and add throttle for the energy you need.
The only time you restrict flaps to the last second is when you're gliding. The DA-20 glides extremely well. Years ago when I returned to the US I checked out and did a BFR in a DA 20 at LZU. We were at a few thousand feet altitude pointing out some other airports and 'We lost power'. No worries I've go a beautiful pasture right out there so I set best glide and... S-t howdy that pasture is going down in my view, hmmmm... "I'm going to Winder!" He was like 'Yeah huh'. "This is cool" and we made all the way to a landing and lunch. He even bought since I made it.
Coming back into LZU though we had a left quartering headwind of 15-18 kts and he told me to only use 10* of flaps so I tried as he was instrucing flying his numbers. It's a good thing the runway was long and we were touch and go. As we floated past the halfway point I just bluntly stated "This is so fu-ed up a way to fly a plane I will not repeat it, let me show you how to land this plane"; which I did the next 2 laps full flaps. If you need more energy add throttle.
My main complaint with the DA-20 is no trim wheel at my throttle hand knee or thigh combined with poor switch placement on the stick finds me reaching all the way over to the stick with my throttle hand and that is a lot of wasted motion in the name of finesse.