Pink Floyd DSOM 40 year anniversary - still iconic

There are simply so many stories that can be told from listening to music by Pink Floyd, but I deleted all of them . . .
The only Pink Floyd song I really like is "Money". I'm fascinated by their use of the coin counting sounds as percussion and the great bass line.

"Comfortably Numb" and "Another Brick in The Wall" are okay, but too slow for most of my music listening occasions.

The rest are okay, but I've never been a druggie, so I suspect something is lost on me on the droning esoteric stuff. At least it's more musical than modern "trance" music.

I'll listen to anything, but Floyd isn't much of a go-to very often. If it comes up in the Shuffle, it's about got a 50/50 chance of me hitting the next song skip button.
The only Pink Floyd song I really like is "Money". I'm fascinated by their use of the coin counting sounds as percussion and the great bass line.

Money's real claim to fame is it's highly unusual 7/4 meter which changes to 4/4 for Gilmour's guitar solo. Pretty clever. Honorable mention for their "new" use of the sax. It was the radio darling in 1973, but it was my least favorite cut on the album.