Pilot lands plane ‘blind’ after hail destroys nose and windshield of aircraft

"Capt. Alexander Akopov is being hailed as a hero."
Wish I could get 'hero' status for all the times I kept our asses out of crap like that. Nope, I'll have to ignore warnings, blunder into it before that happens, I guess.
Wish I got an award for the times I landed a C-207 that was iced up, including the iced over windshield.

I shouldn't have written that the crew didn't consider it. They probably did at least consider it and maybe used it. I reacted too quickly to Glenn's comment. Thinking about it I see where it could have been of great benefit to the crew if they were experiencing controllability problems. Then on the other shoe, if they were experiencing controllability problems maybe they decided to fly it manually. I can see the preference for that too. I wasn't there and reacted too quick, obviously without really thinking it thru. Bottom line whatever they choose, it worked and everyone walked off the plane safely.
Wish I could get 'hero' status for all the times I kept our asses out of crap like that.
I congratulate the guy, but I share the sentiment

I often feel for our IT guys... they get a lot of flak and heat when we have database or site issues (which may be justified), but all the times that an attack or hack or some other failure or downtime was averted they don't get any praise.. people often don't realize the "near miss" so to speak
One time I was driving West right at sunset. No sunglasses. Only one shoe on. I could barely see. I reached blindly for my iced coffee and didn't spill a drop. Missed the school bus full of children by more than a foot and made the impossible turn into my driveway, engine out. My dog licked my face for like 4 minutes. I was the champ. Didn't use Auto Park.
I congratulate the guy, but I share the sentiment

I often feel for our IT guys... they get a lot of flak and heat when we have database or site issues (which may be justified), but all the times that an attack or hack or some other failure or downtime was averted they don't get any praise.. people often don't realize the "near miss" so to speak
There are unsung heroes everywhere.
Ok, how did they get hailed on in the 1st place? Maybe another 3 miles deviation and there would be no need for heroics??

I know, just backing it up some to the start of events. Kinda a buzz-kill to some.
Reminds me of the gal that landed a Lear (?) in Reno after taking a sailplane wing to the windshield. Landed safely bloody face and all. The funny part was when a sheriff was sent up in the hills to find the glider crash and body but instead ran upon a fellow hiking out with his chute!

Guess she set down in Carson City:
They were on approach to Reno airport (RNO). At 15K feet, about 40
miles south of RNO all of a sudden they hit a sailplane (well, she said
that the sailplane hit them). The witness/passenger saw the sailplane
through the pilot's windshield and upon impact the sailplane slid to the
right side of the jet. She saw the instrument panel blow up into the
captain's face. The female captain, with her face cracked open and
bleeding, managed to call out a mayday, and fly the plane with a right
engine flameout, no nose, serious damage to the right wing, and no
landing gear, to a safe belly landing

Read more: http://forum.hanggliding.org/viewtopic.php?t=185#ixzz4oT5yWalz