Picking fly poop out of pepper

Im referring to crash dieting. One or two small meals a day. Not a reasonable diet. There is an unhealthy limit that crash diets exceed. This is why people who do these diets end up putting the weight back on and then some in a lot of cases. If your body is starving it will do what it needs to to survive.

Thanks for the clarification. I din't think anyone will disagree with the quoted comment. Reasonable portions as described in several posts will allow weight loss or stabilization without crash diets. It will be a slow & steady weight loss.
Yes, and eating less IS good, if you're already OVER eating... I agree with the small portions several times (5-6) per day, rather than the three "standard" meals with huge helpings.
Yes, and eating less IS good, if you're already OVER eating... I agree with the small portions several times (5-6) per day, rather than the three "standard" meals with huge helpings.

Precisely. You will feel more energetic as well. You won't be using up energy trying to process and digest more that you should be.
This reminds me- folks over 350 lbs. can eat for free here! :D


Imagine... never pay for food again, as long as you keep the weight up over 350 lbs.! Awesome!!! :D

I agree with those who say the Battle of the Bulge is best fought with a healthy metabolism, rather than starving and/or exercising.
I am not usually a breakfast person (unless cigs and coffee count as breakfast, LOL), but when I do bother, it's amazing how much hungrier I am by lunchtime. And on those days, lunch doesn't seem to load me down and make me want to sleep. The difference, for me at least, is huge.

I often eat lunch late in the day, and often skip dinner. If I'm hungry in the evening, I'll have a snack. I think it's better for most folks than the tradidional big evening meal... and it doesn't mean going to bed hungry.

In general, I feel better and have less flab on me when I can go a few days eating even a light breakfast, a balanced lunch, maybe even a big lunch, maybe a snack later (some fruit might help balance that pizza I had for lunch), and a light dinner or no dinner at all.
I think that if you must "pig out" on any given day, better at breakfast or lunch than dinnertime, when you probably won't be active again until morning... exercise helps regulate metabolism, too.
But I believe the key is definitely what and when you eat,relative to other activities, as opposed to portions or trying to trade exercise for goodies.