Yep, so? You can choose not to get an education, is it a wise choice? you can choose to only rent shelter, never to buy or only pay cash, is it a wise choice? How about only paying cash for a car?
I am with you though, I live by cash, in fact, I don't even appear when people run my credit, I have no score, though that may change since I made a significant stock purchase the other day for the first time, I don't know how that reports. I avoid personal debt and have a low demands lifestyle.
But I don't have children either, my decisions only affect my comfort and I don't need much to be comfortable. When one has children, our society gears towards providing for them as best we can, and we live in a consumerism culture so not only do we pressure people into debt through propagandistic/guilt advertising and easy credit, the fact is our economy relies on it.
Without consumer debt, our financial system would collapse. We need to create a better, more publicly efficient, financial system before we can eliminate debt, then run a parallel transfer of systems. This allows everyone to cash out of the old system without losing anything, except control. Those who had enough money to control the economy and the path of our society lose that control, however they don't lose their cash or holdings either. In fact the system could still survive in a truly Free Market. If they can make their system of trade one that people would rather choose, there is no reason for them not to exist. The main point is to give people a choice they do not have today, a global no fee choice backed in an infinitely expandable and universally needed commodity. Let people choose if they prefer their interest in result or cash. I know which I bet to become the dominant global financial system. What I find depressingly funny is the lengths to which people go to protect what little they have in a system that is morally bankrupt. Compared to what you could have f you let go of it, it is nothing. Do the right thing with what you have to work with and you will never want.
I never cared about money my entire life, and I have been poor and happy living well off what nature would provide me (got so sick of eating lobster when I was broke that I was trading them up the street for Carne Asada burritos) and I get to live on multi million dollar yachts expense free while pulling in six figures; With my lifestyle I don't need to work much, one season will take me through a couple years, a couple of years work buys a lot of fun and the ability to do some neat projects, all with cash. Do the right thing and karma takes care of you.