pepperoni rolls

My Mom used to make a great Pepperoni roll...can't cook an Easter dinner worth a damn but the rolls were good!
And I thought it was Black Lung that killed off the miners.
Double Dave's at College Station had some of the best ever.

Especially when dipped in a gallon of ranch! We had one on the north side of campus in Austin - probably took a couple of years off my life!
Especially when dipped in a gallon of ranch! We had one on the north side of campus in Austin - probably took a couple of years off my life!

No, you gotta pour tomatoes and sliced banana peppers over them! Preferably warm and cooked together before spooning over/into a fresh, split pepperoni roll. One of the good things in life I learned from living in West-by-Gawd, Virginny . . . . . Tasty, too!