So, since my 150 is still in the shop getting repaired for my landing mishap,
That happens. Sorry it happened to you. You might explain the extent of the incident and the damage. You might also consider a couple of hours of dual just to shake the cobwebs around a little.
there have been a few other issues that have been found. That's not a surprise to me, as an owner I expect to pay money to fix stuff, but it's what the issues are. Brake pads below the minimum allowed
By whose definition? If you have the Cleveland wheels, Cessna says that brake pads less than 3/32" are worn past service limits. We generally measure those with a digital caliper (or in the boonies, a drill bit will do for comparison). What thickness are your "worn" pads? Do NOT come back and tell us the shop wouldn't give them to you.
, belly fuel drain that was broken
WHAT belly fuel drain? Are you talking about the gasculator drain on the firewall? I'm surprised you didn't find that one on your first test flight. That IS part of the preflight, as I recall.
and the tanks had contaminated fuel,
Which can happen at any time in the process, either before or after you got the aircraft.
and a few other smaller things. I can't complain too much because I won the plane and didn't pay for the last annual, but it makes me wonder what else was skipped on the annual inspection they did before the delivery.
Sonny boy, you had best find out way early in the game that there is only one person vitally concerned with your butt in the left front seat, and that person is attached to that butt.
Nobody intentionally "skips" stuff on an annual. Stuff happens from time to time and your attitude that it is always the mechanic's fault makes me REAL happy that I'm not doing your annual.
There is only around 20 hours since the annual. Are there really some AP's and IA's that are that incompetent, or too lazy to do the job right? Anybody else experience this same thing?This is more of a venting post, but jeez, my life depends on having an airworthy aircraft.
Sure, just like there are some doctors that cheated their way through med school. Your job is to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Me? I'd find out REAL QUICK if there is a mechanic/IA that lets you do owner-assisted annuals and get your whiny attitude under control before you find one. We are few and far between, and we don't stand for much bushwa while doing the job.