Actually, "look-back" is the correct and far more accurate term for every form of currency where the reg says "during the preceding..." days or months.Clock is my term for calendar days........
Leave it to Ron to use a bizzare term like "look-back".....
You know - "preceding" as in before or looking back to the past?
The majority of questions I've seen on aviation boards about passenger, instrument and flight review currency wouldn't have been asked if the questioner understood this basic and simple concept.
The rest of them involve trying to find requirements in them that don't exist.My question is, what would happen, should your passenger currency 'lapse', because you did not complete your 3 takeoffs and landings within 90 days? Does this mean after 90 days you have to go up with an instructor and do them? Or can you still complete the 3 takeoffs and landings after the 90 day period?
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