Partial Com Failure....

Maybe we should fly triangular patterns. The problem is I can never remember if it was clockwise for loss of transmit only or counter clockwise.
Maybe we should fly triangular patterns. The problem is I can never remember if it was clockwise for loss of transmit only or counter clockwise.

I vaguely remember something about Triangular Patterns. Something seems wrong about having an IFR airplane just start making 360's though. It!s coming back to me. Left turns was "nothing left." Right turns was reciever only. I think it was about getting stuck on top of an overcast and hoping to be seen and talked down if reciever only or getting an escort if total com failure. It wouldn't be surprised if it didn't even exist any more.
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Sometimes they do ...

1. AC can received but not transmit - IDENT used to confirm
2. NAV radio used to receive and IDENT to confirm

From the Pilot/Controller Glossary:

NORDO (No Radio)− Aircraft that cannot or do not communicate by radio when radio communication is required are referred to as “NORDO.”
Of course, if you believe television you can send morse code with the IDENT button (yes I know that won't work, at least not at any practical speed).
From the Pilot/Controller Glossary:

NORDO (No Radio)− Aircraft that cannot or do not communicate by radio when radio communication is required are referred to as “NORDO.”

LOL. I always had different words for the "cannot communicates" and the "do not communicates"