
Don't you think the reason was this?

If someone calls 911 don't they need to follow up?

As I stated before "follow up" doesn't mean "interrogate"

Again using common sense..general aviation airport, public place, starbucks ...
Blaming the two officers you interacted with for the current atmosphere of paranoia which apparently lead to the telephone call to the police about you and your activity, is like blaming you personally for the current unwarranted and unfortunate proliferation of cheesy-looking track suits like yours being worn in public...when it can clearly be blamed on the Italian-Americans as a group.

Smart officers could figger things out w/o all the questions. I know, it's asking a lot...
Love the Kinks though. Good one Rich.
Thankyouverymuch. In high school, the band I was in played that, and when I saw the title of this thread it popped right into my head! Easiest keyboard chops I ever had to play. :cornut:

Nick would hit that....

Eye bleach, please!

Yeah well, if everyone would quit doing them, eventually, there wouldn't be any...
Might have to outlaw alcohol to stop that. And we all know how well that turned out...
Clean cut, all American look. Prolly one o' them Roosky spies...
That's because smart officers are mind readers. Like that guy the Mentalist on TV.

Total rip off from the much better show, Psych.

Sorry, you don't have to be a mind reader to figure things out. I don't sail, but if I see some guy sitting at a Starbucks along a body of water, I am not going to be interrogate him about him taking pictures of the passing sailboats.
I would have responded with ah NOTHING. You don't have to answer ANY questions. Here is a lesson in dealing with the police.

I treat the police EXACTLY as they treat me. If they treat me with respect they get respect. If a law was broken I expect them to do their job. If I'm being harassed I would expect them to either make a decision or get lost. Every time I have remained silent and told them that I did not wish to talk to them they get irritated but they eventually go away! LOL
This shows me the terrorists have WON. By killing 3,000 people ten years ago, they have totally changed our society. It just goes to show you how WEAK we have become. Not the Amerika I signed up for. :dunno:
This shows me the terrorists have WON. By killing 3,000 people ten years ago, they have totally changed our society. It just goes to show you how WEAK we have become. Not the Amerika I signed up for. :dunno:

Did you really sign up to be an American, or were you just lucky enough to be born here?:dunno:
Did you really sign up to be an American, or were you just lucky enough to be born here?:dunno:

Well, for me it's both - I was born here, and then I signed up when I took an oath to "support and defend...." There are times when I think it should be open season on the domestic enemies.
Well, for me it's both - I was born here, and then I signed up when I took an oath to "support and defend...." There are times when I think it should be open season on the domestic enemies.

Your oath said tha you will support and defend the Constitution, it said nothing about defending the rest of America :thumbsup:

Domestic enemies?

Such as:

Aryan Nation
Westboro Baptist
Operation Rescue
New Black Panthers
Hells Angels
Anyone who refers to the "ZOG"
Sure, we all complain a lot about the ways things have changed, but it's easy to forget some things as time passes too. Like the fact that the 9/11 terrorists learned to fly GA, not ATP. Like the old adage "There are those who've landed with their gear up, and those who will land with it up" and the addition from reality "and those who will again". Just because it happened already doesn't mean we get a free pass on it never happening again, y'know? Like the fact that agassed up GA plane is a flying bomb if you want it to be; it just depends on your target and you don't necessarily need an airliner.

Like how it must have felt to be one of the people who were killed, but not right away, or one of their family and friends grieving afterward.

Don't get me wrong, I don't appreciate a police interrogation while doing nothing wrong either. I'm just pointing out things HAVE changed, there are good reasons why they changed, they will never not have changed, and maybe that's not a bad thing overall.
Like the fact that agassed up GA plane is a flying bomb if you want it to be;


Repeated attacks with gassed up GA aircraft (including one with an extra drum of fuel on board) have PROVEN that light GA aircraft are **** poor weapons.

Remember January 5 2002? September13, 1994? Probably not. And, why don't those dates ring a bell like September 11? Because they were ****ing non events

(Edit: Ok, I see you are a new guy here - sorry, but I think we have to be real clear about the real life lack of potential destructive capability that light GA aircraft have and not feed the media fantasy frenzy...

And welcome to POA.

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Sure, we all complain a lot about the ways things have changed, but it's easy to forget some things as time passes too. Like the fact that the 9/11 terrorists learned to fly GA, not ATP. Like the old adage "There are those who've landed with their gear up, and those who will land with it up" and the addition from reality "and those who will again". Just because it happened already doesn't mean we get a free pass on it never happening again, y'know? Like the fact that agassed up GA plane is a flying bomb if you want it to be; it just depends on your target and you don't necessarily need an airliner.

Like how it must have felt to be one of the people who were killed, but not right away, or one of their family and friends grieving afterward.

Don't get me wrong, I don't appreciate a police interrogation while doing nothing wrong either. I'm just pointing out things HAVE changed, there are good reasons why they changed, they will never not have changed, and maybe that's not a bad thing overall.

Please don't take this th wrong way, but you have got to be freakin' kidding!

Perhaps we should prohibit driver training because Timothy McVeigh drove the truck, laden with explosives, and parked it in front of the Murrah Federal Building in OKC?

The Internet is used as a communications medium for terrorists; perhaps it should be censored, its use restricted to those with a demonstrable "need."

The 9/11 terrorists are linked to GA by the faintest of gossamer threads.
"Officer, am I being charged with anything?? No? Well I suppose this interview is over."

This is San Diego, that sort of comment would have brought half a dozen more cops to investigate an "uncooperative suspect".

The suspect would have been baited until he said or did something foolish, like reach to scratch an itch. The whole thing would have turned into a fun with stun guns game, and then an arrest.

Sometimes a police officer will mistake his stun gun for his real gun, then it's a big "oops". ( that just happened recently)

Messing with San Diego police is akin to messing with Tijuana police, you just do not do it.

You are expected to respect and fear the SDPD, and you better answer politely, any question they may ask.

Sure, we all complain a lot about the ways things have changed, but it's easy to forget some things as time passes too. Like the fact that the 9/11 terrorists learned to fly GA, not ATP. Like the old adage "There are those who've landed with their gear up, and those who will land with it up" and the addition from reality "and those who will again". Just because it happened already doesn't mean we get a free pass on it never happening again, y'know? Like the fact that agassed up GA plane is a flying bomb if you want it to be; it just depends on your target and you don't necessarily need an airliner.

Like how it must have felt to be one of the people who were killed, but not right away, or one of their family and friends grieving afterward.

Don't get me wrong, I don't appreciate a police interrogation while doing nothing wrong either. I'm just pointing out things HAVE changed, there are good reasons why they changed, they will never not have changed, and maybe that's not a bad thing overall.
Timothy McVeigh (mentioned earlier). The first WTC bombing. Both used rental tracks or vans. I still can get a rental vehicle (yes, even a truck) with no questions asked of me. I get vetted more for the airlines when I travel to the trade show, with only a carry-on bag, prior to renting said vehicle, outside of my home state. You still think there's nothing wrong with this picture?
Never, ever, ever talk to the police. You have nothing to gain and only something to lose.

"Can I see your ID"?

The only answer is "No, you can't. And good bye."
Never, ever, ever talk to the police. You have nothing to gain and only something to lose.

"Can I see your ID"?

The only answer is "No, you can't. And good bye."
Depends on the situation. Refusing to show your ID in many circumstances will make a non-issue into an issue.
Next time don't wear a turban while taking pictures....
Yo! What's a ZOG?
Domestic enemies?

Such as:

Aryan Nation
Westboro Baptist
Operation Rescue
New Black Panthers
Hells Angels
Anyone who refers to the "ZOG"
Depends on the situation. Refusing to show your ID in many circumstances will make a non-issue into an issue.
Of course it depends. If you're driving, for example, it's probably not a good idea.

However, refusing to show ID will not worsen your situation if you're not required to show it and you don't give the officer a separate reason to suspect you of wrongdoing. I wish people would be informed about their rights.
Write a nice thank you letter to her department, thanking her for her perseverance and thoroughness. Emphasize that she verified 3 different times that you were not breaking any laws.

On a serious note, if you do write, thank them for her professionalism and thoroughness and also that it appeared she wasn't very familiar with general aviation.
Also add that you might be interested in providing an in-service about general aviation to interested officers (if you really are..) as a gesture of good will and community outreach.

Also.. i agree on all the aviation related answers above.. except AMU's.. that appears to be solely the usenet/POA peeps who use that term with any regularity.
Thanks for the welcome, Geoff :)

re other posts, yeah, a lot of Cali city police are like that. Often best not to take the suggested line with them, but just answer their questions.

Timothy McVeigh? I'm not in the habit of comparing apples and oranges. You're welcome to your opinion. Perhaps mine comes partly out of military and security experience? At any rate, it's still true that things aren't going to go back to pre-9/11 just because it already happened once. :dunno:

Repeated attacks with gassed up GA aircraft (including one with an extra drum of fuel on board) have PROVEN that light GA aircraft are **** poor weapons.

Remember January 5 2002? September13, 1994? Probably not. And, why don't those dates ring a bell like September 11? Because they were ****ing non events

(Edit: Ok, I see you are a new guy here - sorry, but I think we have to be real clear about the real life lack of potential destructive capability that light GA aircraft have and not feed the media fantasy frenzy...

And welcome to POA.


Hell, you don't have to go back that far:

February 18, 2010

Full speed, and likely full fuel, into the building. Clean up will be complete at the Echelon building by February 2011.
I believe as a pilot however that you are required to present ID to law enforcement when requested.

I think if I am not mistaken they could suspend or revoke your license if you refuse.

Like anything else it's a trade off. And yes the professor in that video explains things extremely well.

That's only when exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate, not if I am at the beach taking pictures.
As far as showing your ID, I don't think cops generally randomly stop people to look at their ID. If they ask for an ID they are probably investigating something. If you refuse to identify yourself you could be providing them with probable cause to detain you. I watched the video, and he had a lot of good points, but he is not the last word on the subject. The circumstances often times dictate the actions, and if your actions are not consistent with the circumstances you can find yourself being more inconvenienced than if you just let the cop see a piece of plastic with your name on it.