Oxygen Concentrator for older folks flying between 7000 to 10,000 feet


Cleared for Takeoff
Jan 15, 2009
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I'm an older pilot that has gotten sensitive to oxygen levels as low as 7500 feet.

I'm also a light sport pilot so I am limited to a max. altitude of 10,000 feet.

My longest flight these days is 2 hours maximum.

This post relates to these three specific situations and not for anything over 10,000 feet because I don't think it would work at higher altitudes.

I live in central California, fly a light sport airplane (Zenith CH601 XLB) and summertime temps, turbulence, and wind conditions frequently make it beneficial to fly between 7500 and 9500 feet. Unfortunately, I start to get foggy headed, and a bit of a headache, even after a short time at 7500.

I was looking at putting together a DIY oxygen bottle system but it seemed like a hassle to buy, and a hassle to refill bottles. Then there was the issue of mounting the bottle in the plane. All in all not really a big deal, but the idea of a small portable oxygen concentrator sounded like a simpler solution.

I had looked online for any articles on pilots using this system but found nothing. This is probably due to the fact that the system has a very limited applicability. You pretty much have to be in my exact scenario for this to make any kind of sense. I doubt these portable systems produce enough 02 for flying higher, but don't know for a fact.

I decided to give it a shot and find out for myself if this would work.

I bought a Varon NT-3, 3 L/m oxy. concentrator from Temu for $201. It comes with a 2 hour battery pack and a 12 volt cigarette lighter power supply. Also includes a short tube and canula.

I also bought a good quality pulse oximeter.

I flew with the system for the first time yesterday and was very pleased with the results. To begin I measured my O2 level at 7500 with the system off. I then turned it on and within just a few seconds my O2 level jumped back up to normal. I flew around at this altitude for some time and my 02 levels stayed right around 98.

I climbed up to 9500 feet, and with the system off, I watched my 02 level drop to 88. I started the machine up and took some deep breathes. In less than a minute my level was up to 97. I stayed at this altitude for almost 30 minutes and felt clear headed the whole time. If I shut the system off my 02 level would quickly drop. However, within a few seconds of turning in on my level would be right back up in the high 90's.

To be clear, I know nothing about 02 systems beyond what I am relating here. I have no other experience with them.

Some takeaways:

- I was really surprised how quickly 02 levels would drop when the system was off. Also how quickly they returned to normal after turning the system back on.​
- I realized that I would need to frequently monitor my levels if I was going to use the system as my max. altitude of 9500.​
- Breathing deeply made a big difference in the 02 levels.​
- The canula was easy to use, though I wanted to scratch my nose lot. The tube that came with the system is too short for my situation so I ordered a longer one.​
- I learned the finger type monitor is not practical for continuous monitoring in my plane. I don't have an autopilot and trying to fly with this thing on my finger continuously was not going to work. I need a different system that leaves my hands free to fly up to my limit. I haven't researched this yet so I have no idea what might be available at a reasonable price.​
- Since I will never fly for more than 2 hours I don't need to use the 12 volt adapter. The battery pack will be more than enough for any flight I would use it for.​

I think this system is going to be beneficial for the occasional times it makes sense to fly at the higher altitudes. I gives me options. I especially like the idea of flying higher when the temps in the central valley are in the high 90s.

Everything I know about 02 systems and 02 concentrators are contained in this post. Both of which are very limited. There would be no point in asking me any further questions since I have no other info.

Also, I've learned over the years that no matter what I post, someone is going to respond with something that aggravates me. I'm too old to want to subject myself to that. For this reason I won't return to this post after it is uploaded. Nor will I read any of the comments. I've just posted this because now there is a least one discussion on this subject online that someone might find useful.
I would expect anything battery powered and purchased from TEMU to start on fire, and thus wouldn't take it on an airplane...

I don't know a brand or model, but Aviation Consumer did do a review of an oxygen concentrator aimed at the aviation market several years back.




lndwarrior said:
Also, I've learned over the years that no matter what I post, someone is going to respond with something that aggravates me. I'm too old to want to subject myself to that. For this reason I won't return to this post after it is uploaded. Nor will I read any of the comments. I've just posted this because now there is a least one discussion on this subject online that someone might find useful.
You're welcome.
It's a shame they didn't design it to use a DeWalt flex volt battery.
Aithre was at the Soaring Convention last weekend.


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I lot of Mooney and Beech guys have Inogen units, mainly G5, but also G4.

I run mine off the battery or a cigarette lighter plug depending on length of flight.

It does 6 liters per minute at max, and that works for 2 people up to 14,000 and one person up to 18,000. When I am using it with 2 people at 14,000, I have to be careful to breath deeply and sometimes need to take an extra breath or two.

I use a Wellue pulse ox ring from Amazon. I wear it all the time when on O2, and it can get set to a % level to alert (vibrate).
I have a G4 and it works well. I can get about 2.5 hours on my battery at full power or plug it into my adapter. It is lots easier than a bottle. If you are getting one, get the G5 or G6. Both deliver more and probably enough OX for two people up to 14k'. I would not use the G2 with two using it above 9500.
I'm an older pilot that has gotten sensitive to oxygen levels as low as 7500 feet.

I'm also a light sport pilot so I am limited to a max. altitude of 10,000 feet.

My longest flight these days is 2 hours maximum.

This post relates to these three specific situations and not for anything over 10,000 feet because I don't think it would work at higher altitudes.

I live in central California, fly a light sport airplane (Zenith CH601 XLB) and summertime temps, turbulence, and wind conditions frequently make it beneficial to fly between 7500 and 9500 feet. Unfortunately, I start to get foggy headed, and a bit of a headache, even after a short time at 7500.

I was looking at putting together a DIY oxygen bottle system but it seemed like a hassle to buy, and a hassle to refill bottles. Then there was the issue of mounting the bottle in the plane. All in all not really a big deal, but the idea of a small portable oxygen concentrator sounded like a simpler solution.

I had looked online for any articles on pilots using this system but found nothing. This is probably due to the fact that the system has a very limited applicability. You pretty much have to be in my exact scenario for this to make any kind of sense. I doubt these portable systems produce enough 02 for flying higher, but don't know for a fact.

I decided to give it a shot and find out for myself if this would work.

I bought a Varon NT-3, 3 L/m oxy. concentrator from Temu for $201. It comes with a 2 hour battery pack and a 12 volt cigarette lighter power supply. Also includes a short tube and canula.

I also bought a good quality pulse oximeter.

I flew with the system for the first time yesterday and was very pleased with the results. To begin I measured my O2 level at 7500 with the system off. I then turned it on and within just a few seconds my O2 level jumped back up to normal. I flew around at this altitude for some time and my 02 levels stayed right around 98.

I climbed up to 9500 feet, and with the system off, I watched my 02 level drop to 88. I started the machine up and took some deep breathes. In less than a minute my level was up to 97. I stayed at this altitude for almost 30 minutes and felt clear headed the whole time. If I shut the system off my 02 level would quickly drop. However, within a few seconds of turning in on my level would be right back up in the high 90's.

To be clear, I know nothing about 02 systems beyond what I am relating here. I have no other experience with them.

Some takeaways:

- I was really surprised how quickly 02 levels would drop when the system was off. Also how quickly they returned to normal after turning the system back on.​
- I realized that I would need to frequently monitor my levels if I was going to use the system as my max. altitude of 9500.​
- Breathing deeply made a big difference in the 02 levels.​
- The canula was easy to use, though I wanted to scratch my nose lot. The tube that came with the system is too short for my situation so I ordered a longer one.​
- I learned the finger type monitor is not practical for continuous monitoring in my plane. I don't have an autopilot and trying to fly with this thing on my finger continuously was not going to work. I need a different system that leaves my hands free to fly up to my limit. I haven't researched this yet so I have no idea what might be available at a reasonable price.​
- Since I will never fly for more than 2 hours I don't need to use the 12 volt adapter. The battery pack will be more than enough for any flight I would use it for.​

I think this system is going to be beneficial for the occasional times it makes sense to fly at the higher altitudes. I gives me options. I especially like the idea of flying higher when the temps in the central valley are in the high 90s.

Everything I know about 02 systems and 02 concentrators are contained in this post. Both of which are very limited. There would be no point in asking me any further questions since I have no other info.

Also, I've learned over the years that no matter what I post, someone is going to respond with something that aggravates me. I'm too old to want to subject myself to that. For this reason I won't return to this post after it is uploaded. Nor will I read any of the comments. I've just posted this because now there is a least one discussion on this subject online that someone might find useful.
Lots has been written.Heres my article,from Aviation Consumer.
