Overheard at a Class "D" airfield yesterday

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How do they know you're the 1200 code and not the primary target nearby?
How does that make it certain?

If ATC has another target nearby at close to the same altitude they will ask me to ident Steven.If someone is IFR they already know about before they are over Harris Grade.
Certain was a poor choice of words on my part Steven.I should have written it helps them to identify the dots.
I am working on becoming a CFI so your pedantic critique is helpful Steven, thank you.
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27K: Austin tower Navion 5327K Over Macho Grande (XS41) at 2000'
AUS: Over Macho Grande?
27K: No, I'd don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande. Those wound run pretty deep.
Pardon the dumb question by an out-of-towner ... but not knowing anything about "BFE" I looked it up on Airnav ... and it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere, 20+ miles from the nearest airport, and no Class D or TRSA in sight.

Are we talking about the same place?

You can also go to skyvector.com.:cool2:
Is BFE a single place? I could swear I've been there with flat cornfields, snowy mountains and various other background scenery . . .
Problem I have with Pilot 1 who claims to want safety is that he was in the same area as Pilot 2 yet lost SA. If they were out there for any length of time and they didnt collide already, he can easily ensure separation in the lost SA case by timing his return just a measly 30-45 seconds after pilot 2.

Simple solution to the safety issue, however he clearly wanted to teach this guy a "lesson" and show his awesomeness as an instructor by belittling everyone that has instructed said pilot 2.
I would if I was aircraft #2 to ask for the altitude of possibly conflicting traffic. Such is certainly warranted.

However, the controller is correct that chastising pilots (either by another pilot or by ATC) on the operational frequency is not only unwarranted but jeopardizes safety. In this case, there's little control a pilot can do to deal with other pilots. If a controller acts unprofessionally in such a matter it can be dealt with off-line.

I was coming into IAD one day (I was based there for many years). My wife was with me. The controllers at IAD by and large are pretty smart about mixing things like the 172 I was flying with the jet traffic, but I got one of those odd guys who insisted on putting us in at the "gate" with the faster jet traffic. I'm used to this and was maintaining best forward speed into the runway though we were very close to a 747 ahead of us. Since the 172 doesn't need much runway and the first turnoff on 19L at IAD is 4500' down the runway, I just planned my approach to touch down past the fixed distance markers where most jets touch down. Even so I started to pick up what I perceived to be wake turbulance. Another jet was on approach behind me. As I touched down, the controller cleared a waiting departure to be in position and hold behind me (this was going to be very tight). With a fast approach and a late touchdown it was going to be tough to make the first turnoff. The controller asked if I was going to make it and I told him that I was uncertain but I'd try.

At this point the controller goes ballistic on the frequency. I ignore him while I stand on the brakes and manage to switch into the taxiway intersection (fortunately since this is both a high speed going in the direction we were landing as well as a high speed in the opposite direction the taxiway mouth was wide and I managed to exit at the very far end. As soon as he stopped talking I announced that I was clearing.

He had already at this point cancelled the landing clearance for the following aircraft and launched into a tirade about me "not being able to make up my mind" which was plenty unnerving while I was still slowing down on the high speed.

Fortunately, I knew from discussions with controllers at a previous "raincheck" at the tower what to do. I stopped passed the line and cleaned up and called ground for taxi.

Take note of the time and frequency. Call the tower sup (or facility QA in some sites) the next business day and make an inquiry.

I got a nice apology from the facility. It was the controller who made a number of errors and as I had pointed out, no matter whether it was my error or not, his over the air tirades were NOT acceptable.
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